By Frosty Wooldridge
November 19, 2009
Part 4: Turning America into another country, losing cultural values, losing national identity
Former President George Bush called it a “War on Terror.” In reality, we fight defensively against Islam’s war on Western thought, Western culture, Western religion and Western civilization.
Again, Islam detests Western thought, freedom of speech and freedom of religion. Nonetheless, ‘soft’ jihad continues in America with eight million Muslim immigrants in 20 years and another 10 million coming within the next two decades. What percentage of them will make Fort Hood look like a kindergarten picnic? We impregnate ourselves with Islam at great risk.
"Experience teaches us that it is much easier to prevent an enemy from posting themselves than it is to dislodge them after they have got possession." -George Washington
“FBI: 10% of U.S. Mosques Preach Jihad,” Tuesday, November 10, 2009 12:09 PM, by: Ronald Kessler,, 11/10/09, 1,200 mosques in America.
“Moderate to Extreme,”
In Newsweek, November 23, 2009, Jacob Weisberg, said, “American casualties in Afghanistan have more than doubled in the past year. In the past several months, officials have interrupted a rash of domestic terror plots. These include four men accused of planning to attack synagogues and shoot down aircraft in Newburgh, NY; Colorado Muslim immigrant Zazi making bombs; attempt by Jordanian Muslim immigrant to blow up 60 story Dallas skyscraper; immigrant in Boston plot to attack a shopping mall, [11 men in Detroit three weeks ago in gunfight with police as they screamed for Sharia Law and a separate Muslim state in Michigan].” Last week, U.S. Major Hasan blasted 42 unarmed Americans at Fort Hood.
In a London, England, Muslim “Religion of Peace” demonstration, followers sported signs: “Slay those who insult Islam”; “Behead those who insult Islam”; “Europe is a cancer, Islam is the answer”; “Islam will dominate the world”; “Europe will pay, your 9/11 is on its way.”
The formation of the Muslim religion
Born in the 6th century by an illiterate thug named Muhammad, who beheaded his enemies, raped young girls and cut off hands of opponents— Islam adheres to mass illiteracy of its followers, violence, female subjugation, stoning of women, female genital mutilation, "honor" killings and a distinct vengeance on anyone who does not follow its teachings.
While we in the U.S. tend to "blame" the Muslims for their "irrationality"— were you to have a serious chat with a sensible Muslim, you would hear of U.S. atrocities that we tend to forget and put aside. Both sides tend to react against each other.
Every major terrorist act from the 1972 Munich Olympic killings, to Lockerbie, to airport shootings, to unrest and tension in Western societies leads to Muslim immigrants infiltrating host countries. U.S. Army Major Hasan offers yet another lesson in this progression that will not be heard or acted upon, i.e., political correctness.
The Muslim idea is simple; the violent overthrow of the infidels.
Muslims wish to live in free societies, but their "prime directive" advocates change toward Sharia Law, which is theocratic law. In other words, Islam rules over reason.
Holland, France, England and Belgium— now in the clutches of millions of Islamic immigrants unwilling to assimilate— stand in the crosshairs of cultural suicide.
A recent Dutch study reported, "Western European and Muslim ways of life are irreconcilable."
Forty-six percent of Turkish Muslims and 37 percent of Moroccan Muslims, agree strongly that "Western European culture has nothing to contribute to Islam."
"Sadly, mainstream Muslims teach, accept and promote violence," said Tawfik Hamid, a former Muslim terrorist, in his Wall Street Journal piece, "The trouble with Islam ," April 3, 2007. "Women are stoned to death and clitorectomies promoted."
With eight million Muslims in America, their silence illustrates a deafening support for their barbaric atrocities. What happens when America injects another 10 million, and then on to 20 million additional Muslims?
Do we not see the cultural suicide of France, Holland, Britain and Belgium as a strong hint of our future?
Huge Muslim population growth in the U.S. -- What are we thinking?
Look at Detroit, Michigan and the suburb of Dearborn. Muslims transformed that city into their own beachhead in America. They've displaced most American-citizens where they have enclaved. The same slums that descended on Holland grow in Detroit. Given enough time, more and more 'dedicated' Muslim groups— like the three Duka brothers at Fort Dix two years ago— will plan more new killing scenarios. It’s the nature of Islam.
Are you aware that these three illegal aliens came to the U.S. through Brownsville, TX—illegally crossing the U.S. Mexican border more than twenty years ago? Are you aware that the cops in New Jersey chose to look the other way while these aliens ran loose?
The Koran states:
SURAH (Chapter) 9:5
Those who reject Islam must be killed. If they turn back (from Islam), take them and kill them wherever you find them.
SURAH 4:89
So, when you meet (in fight—jihad in Allah's Cause) those who disbelieve, smite (their) necks till when you have killed and wounded many of them, then bind a bond firmly.
For those Americans who don't understand what we face as a nation and as a culture, I bring you to the three stages of jihad of Islam:
All countries with Muslim immigrants suffer one of the following stages of jihad.
Weakened Stage
This stage applies to Muslims that must submit to the law of the land they live in. They are a weak, small minority living in a non-Islamic society.
Preparation Stage
In this stage Muslims have become an influential minority. They will now make preparations to accumulate finances, recruit the young to commit to the next stage of jihad that will confront the enemy.
Let not the Unbelievers think that they can get the better (of the godly): they will never frustrate (them). Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies of Allah and your enemies, and others besides whom you may not know, but whom Allah knows.
SURAH 8:59
Jihad Stage
Influence and power marks this state of the Muslim minority. It is now your duty to overturn the governments of the non-Muslim countries into establishing Islamic authority.
Fight and slay the Pagans wherever you find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war).
As America immigrates millions of Muslims, this country turns itself into another country: Islamic whether 10 years from now or 100 years from now. Women will be relegated to secondary slave status. Sharia Law will trump democratic law. Barbaric customs such as stoning of women, arranged marriages, honor killings, female genital mutilation and men enjoying four wives will become the norm as they use the U.S. Constitution to implement their culture upon America.
As we multiculturalize America, as a U.S. Army soldier, which would you like to be sharing a foxhole with: a gay person or a Muslim? Which language would you like them to speak? Arabic or English? Would you rather they follow Sharia Law or the U.S. Constitution? U.S. Major Nadal Hasan followed Sharia Law. If they were a father who had committed an honor killing of their daughter, would you support that action? If they had beheaded their wife for filing for a divorce, would you support that act? It happened with Muzzammil Hassan in New York, February 9, 2009 and in several other American cities in 2009. Would you respect their right to force their daughters into female genital mutilation operations?
Are we willing to negate our culture, our laws and our way of life to allow them theirs? In 2009, we speed toward an Islamic future here in the former United States of America. Perhaps in 50 years, they will change our country to the United States of Islam.
For current examples: Great Britain, France, Holland, Belgium, Sweden, Norway, Austria, Spain and Germany.
Part 5: What Sharia Law means for women in America.
Listen to Frosty Wooldridge on Wednesdays as he interviews top national leaders on his radio show "Connecting the Dots" at at 6:00 PM Mountain Time. Adjust tuning in to your time zone.
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