lördag 9 januari 2010

Två bilder som inte visas i svensk media ang kravallerna i Italien

Svenska tidningar rapporterar om de kravaller som äger rum i Rosarno, Italien. Enligt uppgifter ska kravallerna börjat efter att två stycket illegala invandrare från Afrika blivit beskjutna med luftgevär. Det är givetvis vidrigt om de blev anfallna helt oprovocerade. Dock menar jag utan tvekan att de illegala invandrarnas beteende därefter är oacceptabelt:

Following the first incident, more than 100 immigrants rampaged through the town on Thursday night, smashing car windows with steels bars, setting rubbish bins and cars on fire, and clashing with police in riot gear


A young mother with a bruise under an eye and a bandage on the side of her head, told state TV a group of migrants started smashing her car. The woman said that, fearful for the safety of her small children, she managed to drive about two meters (6 feet), before her attackers pushed her car into a wall. Terrified, she fled with her family, and the assailants set her car afire, she said.


Se bilderna på Ted Ekeroths sida:

”Sverigedemokraterna är en ortodox minoritetsgrupp”- DN smutskastar igen.


Et dumt försök att smutskasta SD. N'är jag först läste artikeln i morse fanns det kommentarer, dessa är borttagna som ni ser om ni går till orginialartikeln (länk ovan). Att skriva kommentar får man inte längre. Alla kommentarer jag läste stödde SD, någon tyckte att artikeln var velig i åsikterna. Snyggt DN. Här kan ni kommentera dock!

Psykoanalytiker: Att vara svensk är att vara tolerant. På det sättet kan vi tolerera att SD är en ortodox minoritetsgrupp. Men ortodoxa grupper får inte dominera ett samhälle. Sverigedemokraterna gör demagogiska förenklingar för att slippa komplexa sammanhang och vädjar till svart-vitt antingen-eller-tänkande. Om vi skulle tillämpa deras partiprogram på dem själva som en ortodox minoritetsgrupp, skulle de inte få vara kvar här i landet. Sverigedemokraterna är alltför osvenska. Men eftersom vi inte vill vara som SD - utan räknar toleransen som en eftersträvansvärd svensk egenskap - kan de få stanna här om de håller sig inom demokratins gränser, inte hetsar mot folkgrupper eller döljer gamla nazister i sina led, skriver psykoanalytikern och författaren Tomas Böhm i en analys av SD:s partiprogram.

Människor i Sverige består av heterogena grupper under ett gemensamt svenskt paraply – stadsbor, landsortsbor, akademiker, arbetare, invandrare, deras ättlingar, sjukskrivna, ensamstående, sammanboende, missbrukare, näringsidkare etcetera. Det gemensamma paraplyet innebär en tolerans för alla olikheter. Sedan länge vet man inom psykologin att främlingsrädsla och främlingsfientlighet kommer från en egen rädsla för det okända. Vi har alla en rädsla för det vi inte känner till, liksom för det okända inom oss själva, som är frestande att lägga ut på grupper som verkar vara annorlunda eller svaga.

Främlingsfientligheten tar sig ofta uttryck som ett avståndstagande mot det komplexa eller främmande, det som inte går att känna igen omedelbart eller dela in i enkla kategorier.

Sverigedemokraterna vill inte se att de skulle vara främlingsfientliga. De beskriver i sitt partiprogram snarare att ”invandrings- och integrationspolitik har varit ett monumentalt misslyckande. Sverigedemokraterna är det enda parti som vågar säga detta öppet.”

SD tycks vara för det svenska. Det beskrivs bland annat på följande sätt:

”Svensk är den som har en helt övervägande svensk identitet, och som av sig själv och av andra svenskar uppfattas som svensk.”

Det låter som ett cirkelresonemang. Fortfarande vet vi inte vad den svenska identiteten innehåller, men vi varnas för: ”att svenskarna inom några decennier riskerar att bli en minoritet i det egna landet. Denna utveckling kommer att påverka alla aspekter av samhällslivet och förvandla vårt land till oigenkännlighet.”

Det här går att känna igen som rasistisk eller främlingsfientlig mytologi. Om vi inte aktar oss, äter främlingarna upp oss. Sverige har alltid förändrats av dem som bor här. Strax beskrivs det svenska på annat sätt – i språk, kulturarv och historia – där SD blir ännu mer specifika:

”Svenska traditioner, värderingar, regler och lagar skall vara normgivande i hela det svenska samhället. Svenskan skall vara det samhällsbärande språket inom samtliga samhällsområden. Alla former av etnisk kvotering eller positiv särbehandling av invandrare skall avskaffas. Undervisningen i svensk historia skall utökas i skolorna. Den svenska historien och kulturarvet skall lyftas fram och levandegöras i offentliga sammanhang på ett tydligare sätt än i dag.

Det offentliga stödet till invandrarföreningar och alla andra verksamheter som syftar till att befrämja främmande kulturer och identiteter i Sverige skall dras in. Lovdagar i anslutning till religiösa högtider skall endast omfatta traditionella svenska och kristna högtider.”

Det som SD är emot tycks vara osvenskt. Rädslan för det främmande utanför och inom oss själva klumpas ihop och vänds utåt och blir osvenskt, för att det är svårt att acceptera eller förstå.

SD är rädda för det komplicerade och mal ner det till en svensk förenkling bestående av svensk eller – osvensk. På demagogiskt sätt skriver man inte osvensk i partiprogrammet. Man talar i stället om att: ”kulturellt främmande enklaver i de flesta städer är inte hållbart”.

Man gör också den demagogiska förenklingen för att slippa komplexa sammanhang och vädja till svart-vitt antingen-eller-tänkande. Alla vill väl känna tillhörighet, men här beskrivs den som om den beror på hur homogent samhället är:

”Rotlösheten står i motsats till något som är väldigt viktigt för oss Sverigedemokrater – rätten till en nationell identitet. Alla människor måste få känna att de tillhör ett folk.”

Man förnekar också den egna främlingsfientligheten på ett sätt som påminner om resonemanget att många av mina vänner är invandrare. Vi ska inte märka fientligheten genom att …

”Sverigedemokraterna är inte principiellt emot invandring.”

Ju längre bort ifrån Sverige som invandrarna kommer, desto mindre bra är deras kultur för vårt land. Jag kan till och med tänka mig att några som skrivit detta program kan ha varit ärliga – det vill säga inte demagogiska. De tror faktiskt att det svenska skyddas av det de skriver. Man döljer främlingsfientligheten genom att uttala sig mot rasism, men i stället varnar man för det man kallar mångkulturalism.

”… De senaste årens invandring har dock varit av helt annan art. Det har handlat om tiotusentals invandrare varje år, från avlägsna delar av världen, vilket inte varit bra för Sverige.”

”… Partiet tar avstånd från mångkulturalism, rasism och läror där det etniska ursprunget räknas som det enda eller avgörande kriteriet för nationstillhörighet.”

Ett centralt problem är att SD kopplar samman det svenska – svensk identitet, språk och kultur – med ett avståndstagande från andra grupper, det vill säga invandrare, särskilt från dem som kommer långt bort ifrån. Samtidigt är det sannolikt att även SD-medlemmar och de som röstar på dem har lika mycket invandrare bland sina förfäder som vi andra.

I stället skulle man kunna hävda att det svenska är att vara tolerant och inte se en svensk identitet som något klart en gång för alla. Den är påverkbar och öppen för inflytande, liksom vi svenskar påverkar dem som kommer hit. Så har det alltid tyckts vara. I det svenska ingår då också att tolerera grupper som vill ha sin egen uppfattning och syn på hur man ska leva. På det sättet kan vi svenskar tolerera att SD har sin uppfattning, även om de får hålla sin intolerans för sig själva eftersom den är alltför förenklad, demagogisk och främlingsfientlig. Minoritetsgrupper får bära burka, sjunga sina sånger, äta sin mat, bara de tolererar andra grupper och de gemensamma spelreglerna. Ortodoxa personer som tror på rätt och fel i alla komplexa sammanhang – som SD kan beskrivas som – kan inte tillåtas att dominera ett samhälle.

Om vi alltså skulle tillämpa SD:s program på dem själva som en ortodox minoritetsgrupp, skulle de inte få vara kvar här eftersom de är alltför osvenska. Men eftersom vi inte vill vara som SD, utan räknar toleransen som en eftersträvansvärd svensk egenskap, kan de få stanna här om de håller sig inom demokratins gränser, inte hetsar mot folkgrupper eller döljer gamla nazister i sina led.

Tomas Böhm, psykoanalytiker, författare till bl a ”Inte som vi – psykologiska aspekter på främlingsfientlighet och rasism” (N & K, 1993), ”Att ha rätt – om övertygelse, tolerans och fundamentalism” (N & K, 1998).

fredag 8 januari 2010

Rättegång mot skjutgalen islamist i Odense

Jihad i Malmö


Just nu pågår rättegången mot Wissam Freijeh (28) i Odense för femdubbelt mordförsök.....Det var denne skjutgalne islamist och antisemit som förra nyårsaftonen sköt ned två israeliska försäljare i Rosengaardscentret i Odense. Freijeh är tungt kriminellt belastad och fanatisk antisemit.


Läs mer om hans stormiga bakgrund på Snaphanen. Komiskt nog var han en period omkring 2003-4 anlitad som "föredömlig invandrare" och föredöme för ungdomen av kommunen och danska LO. Odense plockade dock bort allt om kampanjen sedan han gripits för skjutningen... Föredömen bör uppenbarligen inte ägna sig åt rasistisk kriminalitet.


Första rättegångsdagen hävdade Freijeh att det enbart handlade om "självförsvar". Israelerna hade stirrat på honom och... "- Israelerne har taget alt fra min familie, dræbt dem og taget deres jord og huse. Så kommer man i Rosengårdcentret og tror, man bare kan gøre, hvad der passer en, sagde den 28-årige i retten."


Komiskt nog avslöjade Wissams bror att familjen är libaneser och alls inte fördrivits från det imaginära "palestina".

Fortsättning följer


Den vackra staden Odense, H C Andersens födelsestad,har fått rykte om sig som ett centrum för islamism och antisemitism de senaste åren. Islamistiska ligor styr stadsdelen Vollsmose (med egen shariadomstol), jihadistiska terrorister härjar, rabbiner överfalls på gatorna och nyårsafton 2008 sköts två israeler ned i stadens stora shopping- centrum Rosengaard.

Danmarks överrabbin avråder judiska föräldrar från att placera sina barn i stadens skolor p g a det höga antalet araber....

Det låter nästan som Sveriges Gaza, Malmö....

Islamisternas julklapp till kopterna: sju döda

Kopterna, Egyptens ursprungsbefolkning och kristna minoritet, är återigen hårt trängda av våldsamma islamister och oförstående myndigheter. När de firade julmässa i staden Nag Hamadi nära Luxor angreps församlingen av beväpnade jihadister. Sju kristna och en polis dödades.

Se en kort film från angreppet:

Läs mera på Free Copts

"Vi kan alla bli en Westergaard"

Jihad i Malmö

På måndagen berättar konstnären Lars Vilks att han fått ett telefonhot - från


— Mannen, som talade på bruten svenska, frågade om jag kände till vad som hänt i

Danmark och konstnären Kurt Westergaard. Jag sa att jag förstås visste om det, säger

Lars Vilks och fortsätter: — Då förklarade mannen att de var ute efter

mer och de snart skulle komma till mig. Då hälsade jag dem välkomna.

Samtalet avslutades men mannen ringer då upp igen.

— Han återupprepar att "de kommer, de kommer" ett flertal tillfällen. Sedan avslutas samtalet,

säger Lars Vilks.

Vilks kommenterar hotet

Nu är ju Westergaard och Vilks långtifrån ensamma om att hotas och angripas av

islamister. Den norska författaren Hege Storhaug berättar nu öppet om när hon

överfölls i sitt hem för tre år sedan. Storhaug hade genom sina böcker och

artiklar utmanat de starka islamistiska krafterna i Oslo och extremvänstern.
Men så; noen uker etter dette ble jeg brutaltslått ned i min egen leilighet. Der ble jeg

funnet i en blodpøl og med tydelige tegn etter kamp over store deler av kroppen min

og blodsøl i leiligheten. Jeg kunne ikke gjøre rede for meg, jeg hadde hatt black out.

I tillegg til alt blodet, var deler av listeverket på ytterdøren til leiligheten knust.

Ingenting var stjålet.


Helle Merete Brix påminner om de tidigare försöken att mörda Westergaard, men också

om alla andra som utsätts för konstant hot och terror från islamisterna. Såväl de kända, som

Salman Rushdie och Ayan Hirsi Ali, som de okända hjältarna som den franske läraren

Robert Redeker.

Många säger att det värsta är upplevelsen att vara bortglömda av samhället.

Journalister, politiker och det övriga åsikts- etablissemanget vänder dem ryggen och

stöder därmed indirekt frihetens fiender.....


Fortsättning på

Somalisk terrorist försökte mörda

Kurt Westergaard

Westergaard-attentatorn kvalificerad terrorist

Race, Immigration, and Rape in Sweden

The noted blogger Fjordman is filing this report via Gates of Vienna.
For a complete Fjordman blogography, see The Fjordman Files. There is also a multi-index listing here.

According to a recent report, six percent of Swedish girls are raped every year, and that’s just the official numbers. Reality is probably even worse. The hostile Wikipedia entry on “Fjordman” previously claimed that myessays about the Swedish rape epidemic are false because the massive increase in rapes was caused by “a widening of the legal definition of rape.” I bet it was.

Swedish Umma

In this situation, the number one preoccupation of Swedish media is demonizing Israel, and the number two preoccupation is demonizing native Swedish critics of mass immigration and barring them from access to the mass media.
Sweden tops European rape league:
- - - - - - - - -

Sweden has the highest incidence of reported rapes in Europe — twice as many as “runner up” the UK, a new study shows. Researchers behind the EU study, which will be presented on Tuesday, conclude that rape appears to be a more common occurrence in Sweden than in continental European countries. In Sweden, 46 incidents of rape are reported per 100,000 residents. This figure is double as many as in the UK which reports 23 cases, and four times that of the other Nordic countries, Germany and France. The figure is up to 20 times the figure for certain countries in southern and eastern Europe.

RinkebyAs I have pointed out in my book Defeating Eurabia, where I devote an entire chapter to explaining the appalling situation in Sweden, Ethnologist Maria Bäckman, in her study “Whiteness and gender,” has followed a group of Swedish girls in the suburb of Rinkeby outside Stockholm, where natives have been turned into a minority of the inhabitants due to immigration. The subjects “may encounter prejudices such as the idea that Swedish girls act and dress in a sexually provocative way or that blonde girls are easy.” Bäckman relates that several of the Swedish girls she interviewed stated that they had dyed their hair to avoid sexual harassment. They experienced that being blonde involves old men staring at you, cars honking their horns and boys calling you “whore.”
Swedish girls suffer widespread harassment: report

Every third young Swede has been subjected to repeated harassment, threats or violence over the past year. Six percent of young girls have been raped, a new report from Swedish researchers shows.

One interesting comment to this article:

I hope someone can answer those questions for you. Unfortunately I'm not to good on stuff like that. What I do know however, is that the courts take lighter on rape perps with immigrant background than ethnic swedish perps. They have to weigh in that they come from a widely different culture than ours. Which is just sick. Also, the raped girls get asked questions on the matter of dressing when they where raped. If they had short skirts and visible cleavages and such, they are basically told that they can suit themselves who didn't dress more modestly instead. Another thing is that the family/clan of the perps are often audience in the courts, often giving thumbs up to their boys, whistling or shouting whore to the girls. Yes, swedish citizens are already dhimmis 100%, no doubt about it.

The Eternal Victim

From Gates of Vienna

“There is no doubt that the Muslim culture in general is unhealthy to grow up in.”
I reported last year on the Danish psychologist Nicolai Sennels, who until 2008 worked at a secure youth institution Sønderbro in Copenhagen. He later wrote a book, Blandt Kriminelle Muslimer (“Amongst Criminal Muslims”), about his experiences dealing with young Muslim criminals in the Danish justice system.
Nicolai was recently interviewed at length by the Finnish Homma Forum about cultural enrichment in Denmark and other parts of Europe. The interview was in English, so no translation is required:

Nicolai, can you give a short version of your life story?
I was born in 1976 and grew up far out in the countryside in Denmark. During my studies in Copenhagen I worked as a social worker with teenagers. I also worked as a semi-professional rock musician for a couple of years while studying psychology at the university. I have worked with troubled youngsters all my adult life. It has always been very easy for me to like them, connect to them and help them. I have developed new kinds of therapies, especially for Muslims, and my methods have been mentioned positively in several professional magazines, newspapers and on the radio.
When did your interest in integration and Islam start?
Ten years ago we had a horrible case in Denmark. Four young Muslim boys dragged a young woman by her hair all through the biggest shopping street — Strøget — in Copenhagen and tried to rape her. Even though she was screaming and it was clear that something was terribly wrong, nobody did anything to stop it. Imagine that: a young woman being dragged through the most busy street in Denmark — with lots of bystanders — and nobody tries to stop it. Not actively trying to stop a bad thing happening — even if you risk that your colleagues, friends or family think critically about you or you may get yourself a blue eye — is probably the worst thing one can do to one’s own self-confidence, personal ethics and humanistic values. If we are only willing to help the weak when it is without any risk for ourselves, we are useless cowards. Today this help is not so often physical — even though all men should learn to fight, either in martial arts or in the territorial army — but intellectual. Writing letters to newspapers, blogs, telling one’s honest thoughts when the talk on Islam or immigration starts in the lunch break at work — all this is very helpful. Being passive while women are treated bad and failed integration threatens to drag down our cultural values and welfare societies is failing to live up to our responsibility as humans. Especially men should take their role as protector of women very seriously.
Anyway, as most other Danish, I was shocked about the rape story. Both the brutality and the fact that nobody helped that poor woman was devastating to me. Before this incident my ears were closed to those who criticized Islam and Muslim immigration but from then on I started listening with a more serious attitude. At that time I was still sure that successful integration was just a matter of time and that social injustice was the main responsible for the ethnic tensions. I was also too nervous about getting criticized to share my worries with others. Today things are different: I no longer vote for the Social Democrats. I also no longer care what people think of my opinions about Muslim culture etc. I am also no longer passive — I feel a responsibility for defending suppressed Muslim women, our freedoms and for showing people that we can say exactly what we think about Islam and Muslim immigration.
By the way, just as a footnote: it accidentally turned out that three of these four Muslim boys were sentenced to live for a period at the institution where I worked at that time. Confused, insecure young men with the too typical Muslim male chauvinistic attitude and strong victim mentality and no real values in life except getting as much as they could with as little effort as possible.
Tell us about your conflict with the municipality of Copenhagen.
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Well, after working for several years with both Danish and Muslim children and teenagers, it was very clear to me that there are certain very deep psychological differences between these two cultures. These differences are without doubt so deep that Muslims will have to leave many of their core values behind if they are to integrate in our societies and feel Danish, Finnish, German, etc.
As a psychologist with special knowledge about criminality and foreigners I was invited by Copenhagen’s mayor of integration to participate in a conference on integration at the city hall. The discussion was about criminal foreigners, foreigners and integration, foreigners and terror, foreigners and parallel societies, etc. I got irritated about the way the discussion went, because everybody generalized all foreigners as if they came from the same culture. I argued that the main part of the problematic foreigners have Muslim background and that we should discuss the meaning of culture when trying to find causes and solutions. This was far too strong for both the mayor and most of the people attending the conference. Another discussion at the conference was that we should try to help criminal foreigners find peace in their life by inviting them to become more religious. Here I reminded the mayor and the others about the many passages in the Quran that actually bid Muslims to do criminal acts — and that several Mosques in Copenhagen are known to be very extremist. Again this was more than the politicians could handle.
I have later debated with the mayor of Copenhagen on my blog “The Cultural Cleft” on Jyllands-Posten. I started the debate because he promised to pay for the Muslims’ religious festivals if they helped him get reelected at the local elections on November 17th. He — by the way — did not get reelected. The new mayor, Klaus Bondam, is unfortunately an even worse choice. Since he is a homosexual and wears makeup, I guess he will have a hard time communicating with the Muslim society.
Why is it so difficult to have a dialogue with Muslims about the high crime rate and integration problems?
The reason has to do with cultural psychology. In Muslim culture people see their lives mainly as controlled by outside factors — Islam, Allah, the imam, the father of the family, cultural norms and traditions, society, and — when they experience problems — especially non-Muslims and non-Muslim authorities. In our Western culture, it is in many ways the opposite. Here we see ourselves as being in control of our own life. We see our motivation, view on things, way of thinking, communicating and acting as the most important factors deciding our lives. This is why we have so many psychologists and therapists, a great number of social sciences, tons of self help books, etc. — all of which are aimed at our inner life and build on the view that we create and change our own life ourselves. You do not have all these things and also not this view in Muslim culture. If you have a problem as a Muslim, you are not raised to think, “What am I doing wrong since I always end up in trouble?” In the Muslim culture you look outside yourself: “Who did this to me or my life?”
With this way of thinking you always see ourselves as the victim and somebody or something outside yourself as the cause of your problems. Bernard Lewis, the famous professor in Islamic history, has observed the same cultural difference. In his words Westerners asks themselves, “What did I do wrong?” and Muslims asks, “Who did this to me?”
Therefore many Muslims do not think that they create the problems. And talking about a person’s problems with somebody who thinks that everything is everybody else’s fault is not easy…
Does the upbringing have anything to do with criminal behavior?
Upbringing has everything to do with criminal behavior. Well brought up people in general have good self confidence, a generally good mood and constructive ways of solving their problems — and they find it easy to love and be useful for themselves and others.
As an experienced professional psychologist within the field I can tell you that most criminals have a lot of anger, insecurity and very little ability to feel empathy. An important question is of course: why are many Muslims brought up in a way that makes them criminal?
Let me answer that question with an analogy. Some families are healthy for children to grow up in. They develop a sense of self-responsibility, they develop empathy and learn that destructive emotions such as anger, jealousy, revenge, etc. are negative and should be controlled and dealt with. Some families are unhealthy for children to grow up in: they become inflexible and unable to adjust to social rules, they become careless of others and themselves, etc. In this way all families have their own culture, their own emotional and cultural environment, which shapes the people growing up in it. Just as families have different cultures and can be healthy or unhealthy for people’s development, so can whole cultures.
There is no doubt that the Muslim culture in general is unhealthy to grow up in. Its admiration of anger, its suppression of female qualities (in psychology known as “femina”), its very insecure relationship to honor, its victim mentality and its lack of focus on individual reflection on the connection between one’s own behavior and one’s own problems very easily create immature and aggressive individuals with low self confidence.
Are your professional observations seen as political instead of sheer observations of a professional psychologist?
Of course I and also my book have been criticized. As you can hear, I say things straight out. But those who criticize me have either no experience with working professionally with Muslims or are Muslims themselves. When I do lectures for school teachers and social workers on schools with many Muslims, they all agree with me. At those occasions it is not at all a question of whether I am right or wrong — because they have exactly the same observations as I do. At those lectures we go directly to the solutions. The Danish magazine for professional Danish psychologists, PsykologNyt, recently reviewed my book. The review was very positive, stating that it is “a provoking eye-opener, convincing and well founded with many concrete examples”. Several national newspapers also wrote positively about the book and even our most famous Muslim politician, Naser Khader, who has himself written a book on Muslim culture, was very favorably disposed. Khader states that “the professional expertise that Nicolai Sennels has is exceptional and the clear examples in his book make it a must-read for all teachers and social workers”. Among people who have experience with Muslims, I am clearly seen as a experienced professional psychologist.
Why aren’t the media and academia reacting? Is it because those journalists and academics who have so to speak invested in appeasement would be risking their careers? After all, if we go back to assimilation, plenty of people within the media and universities with multicultural careers would face a personal disaster?
The main creed in academic circles is that cause and effect does not work for Muslims. With cause and effect I mean that people create their own lives. In Academic circles you are taught that the fate of poor and anti-social people are in the hands of the rest of us. But it is completely clear that Muslims create their own problems by not integrating, not learning Danish, not educating their children, not allowing their women normal human rights, not working, not opening up to our Western culture, etc. Especially their oppression of female qualities is very harmful to both their women, men, children, and their ability to build transparent, free, democratic and humanistic societies. The only case where cause and effect works — according to academics — is when rich people are depressed or are unsuccessful: that is their own fault and serves them right… Ridiculous. If we are not willing to show people their own part of the problems they have, how are we to teach them how to solve them?
Britain and Sweden appear to be competing for being the European leader in hiding problems under the carpet. Sometimes Denmark is considered to be some kind of forerunner in more free debate. But this image of Denmark may not be that accurate — you still have Tøger Seidenfaden and DR. And has so much changed in Danish politics during last years, in spite of all the talk?
Denmark is world famous for our open debate on Islam and Muslim immigration. And we surely deserve the attention. Our newspapers are full of readers’ letters criticizing Islam and the failed immigration of Muslims. It is simply a part of Danish culture to speak out and to ridicule those who get angry and lose face when criticized. Of course we have people not realizing the great danger of Islam and of having ethnic tensions resulting from failed immigration of Muslims. There is no doubt that extreme leftist newspapers such as Tøger Seidenfaden’s Politiken would lose readers — and thereby money — if they started being realistic about the problems. But they are already losing readers and their only two parties, Enhedslisten and De Radikale Venstre, are on their way out the parliament’s drain. The normal woman and man of the street sees very clearly what is happening to our countries. They meet the aggressive Muslims in discos, in their children’s schools, in the subway, etc. Most important is that people talk together about it. For every person who just mentions a bit about their worries about Muslim immigration at work, for example, will help several of their colleagues to think and talk more freely about the subject at work, family dinners, etc.
What would be the most important change you would make in handling Muslim immigrants, given that you could decide?
Inviting people from a completely different culture to live in our countries is the biggest sociological experiment in history of mankind and it is clearly turning out bad. Making deep changes in the demographics of a whole continent is very hazardous. Immigrants who do not want to assimilate — meaning taking our culture to their heart and becoming Westerners — should not be here. We have to find places on our planet where such people can live without the pressure of having to integrate and where their surroundings do not suffer from their anti-social behavior, religious fanaticism and lack of contribution to our economy.
On internet forums with a critical tilt on immigration, the cultural appeasements given to Muslims are considered exactly the 180 degrees wrong policy. Especially those Danes and Swedes who have lived at close proximity to Muslim neighborhoods state that the appeasements just make Muslims even more demanding. Could it be seen that these appeasements have an effect on criminality? Is all appeasement bad, or are there any bright spots?
There is no doubt that appeasement makes Muslims feel stronger and feel that they are right. It also makes us look weak in their eyes. Their victim mentality grows immensely every time the appeasers open their mouth. You see, appeasement is a Western tradition. If we make a compromise or are nice to somebody, we naturally expect that they feel thankfulness and will do their best to solve their part of the problem. Muslims think differently: in their culture it is the dog that barks the loudest that becomes the boss.
In our culture we think that only small dogs bark — big dogs do not have to, because they are big and do what they want. When they bark we think that they are immature and need a hand. When we just appease and compromise our own values, they think we are weak and vulnerable and the feeling of needing to adjust to our culture gets smaller. Appeasement politics is a deadly result of not understanding this crucial difference between Western and Muslim culture.
The worst thing is that the appeasers and the politically correct crowd has managed to scare a lot of people not to speak their opinion out loud. People are afraid of being called a racist or that others think bad about them. My advice is: Don’t care! If you saw a scared girl being dragged by the hair by four boys — would you try to stop them? If you are seriously worried about Islam and Muslim immigration — would you tell it?
Thank you for your effort, Nicolai, and we wish you all the best.
Thank you, and thank you for yourselves for the interest!

The Eurabian Sea.

By  Anna Raccoon

Whilst you were sleeping, Herman Sörgel’s nightmare vision of artificially solving all the major problems of European civilization by constructing an embankment at the Gibraltar Strait to  create a new continent, ‘Atlantropa‘, consisting of Europe and Africa, came a significant step closer.

Sörgel was run down by an unknown car in 1952, but his Atlantropa Institute continued to peddle the idea of combining Europe and North Africa right up until 1960. The central feature was a hydroelectric dam to be built across the Strait of Gibraltar – that may happen yet! – in the meantime, the architects of European foreign policy have contented themselves with a ‘legislative’  bridge.

On New Year’s Day, the ‘Euro-Mediterranean Regional and Local Assembly’ was born. They will meet for the first time in just a few weeks, January 21st 2010. It is the bastard child of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership; a birth shrouded in secrecy and misinformation. A Google search under ‘news‘ for this EU organisation reveals not one, not a single mention, in the British press. It has taken two days of searching through foreign language items to write this article.

When you consider the impact that this involuntary euthanasia of European life will have, it is nothing short of criminal that it has been ignored by the main stream media.

The goal of the Euro-Mediterranean cooperation is to create a new Greater European Union encompassing both Europe and North Africa, with the Mediterranean Sea becoming a domestic Eurabian sea. The goal is to establish a “comprehensive political partnership,” including a “free trade area and economic integration”; “considerably more money for the partners”; and “cultural partnership”.

The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership now includes all 27 member states of the European Union, along with 16 partners across the Southern Mediterranean and the Middle East. Some of the most important agreements include a rotating co-presidency with one EU president and one president representing the Mediterranean partners, and a Secretariat based in Barcelona that is responsible for identifying and promoting projects.

It is an extension of the European Free Trade Area which was the origins of the EU we now ‘enjoy’ in these post Lisbon Treaty days. As such it enjoys special priority status under the ‘Blue Card’ system which will see 50 million migrant workers enter ‘Fortress Europe’ with full rights to housing, welfare, education, and security of employment.

It also enjoys generous EU investment and free trade agreements.

Tunisia now describes itself as ‘Europe’s biggest exporter south of the Mediterranean’. Did you notice Tunisia sliding silently northwards across the Mediterranean? No? Thought not. It is Europe that has slid southwards whilst we slept.

The European Investment Bank is playing its part in this Euro-Mediterranean project making significant contributions to the Palestinian Authority. Europe slides East. And further south, here we are in Egypt.

Whoops, bulge on the south-side – we’ve now encompassed Morocco. All those surreptitious visits by Peter Mandelson have paid off, they have kindly agreed to accept several million of our tax payer pounds to build themselves a new transport system – we can’t have all those new workers being late to their new European jobs!

And Libya! Evenings with Gadaffi’s son not wasted either. 2000 kilometers of Mediterranean sea front, and all is forgiven. Libya has ‘observer’ status to allow them to see whether they might like to dip their fingers in this honeypot, but in the meantime, in the meantime, they are pleased to accept the opportunity to fully engage in the free Migration package, and the EU Action plan to tackle HIV infection in Benghazi……

You don’t even need to have any tangible connection to the Mediterranean to benefit from this expansionist largess, the official EuroMed web site lists Albania, Algeria, Bosnia & Herzegovinia, Croatia, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Monaco, Montenegro, Morocco, “Occupied Palestinian Territories,” Syria, Tunisia, and Turkey.

All taking the first steps towards benefiting from Europe but without the commitment to Human Rights or the need to dig into their pockets to fund any of the more pressing diplomatic or military burdens of Europe.

The American press have picked up on this story, fired by their fear of North Africans with exploding Y-fronts, but not a word in Britain, not a solitary word.

Do try the Anna Lindh web site for an instant education in the buzz words necessary to negotiate a dip into our bankrupt honeypot – €7 billion worth of earnest positivism towards this secretive project…you can get an EU grant for just about anything these days.

By way of some small explanation – did you know that coats of arms containing lions without genitalia were traditionally given to those who betrayed the Crown?

Take a close look at the Royal Coat of Arms, as displayed on Government documents.

UK_Royal_Coat_of_ArmsGone, castrated, a coat of arms for a eunuch Government comprised of pimps and posers, preening and postulating towards their way towards the extinction of the Northern European way of life. They don’t even bother to tell us what they are up to anymore.

Read more: http://www.annaraccoon.com/politics/euro-mediterranean-partnership-the-eurabian-sea/#ixzz0c12Ps0hr

Frankrike deporterade radikal imam- Sverige har något att lära av Frankrike


Inrikesminister Brice Hortefeux sade i ett uttalande att imamen Ali Ibrahim al-Sudani gripits och flugits hem till Egypten.

Han beskrev imamen som "farlig" och sade att den ungefär 27-årige al-Sudani "visat förakt för vårt samhälles värderingar och manat till våld".

Enligt inrikesdepartementet var detta 29:e gången sedan 2001 som en islamisk religiös ledare utvisats från franskt territorium.

Franska myndigheter utvisade på torsdagen en radikal imam som enligt regeringen i flera månader uppviglat sina anhängare i Parisområdets moskéer att "resa sig" mot västvärlden.

onsdag 6 januari 2010

Spårvagnsförare fick smaka på mångkulturen- misshandlad inatt


Spårvagnsförare misshandlad

Två personer i 20-årsåldern greps strax efter midnatt, sedan de misshandlad en spårvagnschaufför vid en hållplats i Bergsjön.

Polisen fick larmet från Teleskopgatan klockan 00.06. När patruller kom till platsen kunde man konstatera att föraren blivit slagen i ansiktet, såpass illa att glasögonen gått sönder. Han hade dessutom skador på ena armen.

Efter spaning i området påträffades två individer som stämde överens med signalementet. De båda fördes till Kortedala polisstation för förhör.

- De misstänks i förstaläget för misshandel och våld mot tjänsteman, förklarar vakthavande befäl på länskommunikationscentralen.

tisdag 5 januari 2010

Att förstå Israel

söndag 3 januari 2010 · 19:42 Erixon Blogg

Kritiken mot Israel i europeiska medier är öronbedövande. Mer eller mindre varje dag (också i P1 idag) publiceras propagandistiska reportage med gråtande palestinska barn. Det är palestinierna vi ska tycka synd om. Alltid är det Israels fel att fred inte skapas. Det spelar ingen roll hur många gånger arabvärlden försökt utplåna Israel genom krigshandlingar, eller hur många terrorangrepp muslimer begår.

Det är synd om palestinierna.

Så lyder Europas Mellanösternpolitik.

Men palestinierna har ju hela regionen som nära vänner och släktingar. Flera hundra miljoner människor bor i länderna runt Israel. Allt medan antalet judar i Israel uppgår till 5,5 miljoner.

Israels yta är 22.000 kvadratkilometer, medan övriga länder i regionen utgör över 7 miljoner kvadratkilometer. Israel syns knappt på kartan (klicka på kartan för större version).

Ändå anses det självklart att Israel ska lämna ifrån sig mark.

Israel uppfattas av européer som “den starka parten”, medan palestinierna ses som offer.

Den bilden är så självklar att när jag ifrågasätter den blir folk tysta av häpnad.

Förklaringen är att israelerna inte vill se sig som något annat än förmögna att klara sig själva, medan palestinierna villigt och ivrigt mjölkar all sympati man kan få genom att framställa sig som stackars, stackars offer — samtidigt som olika grupper attackerar Israel med raketer och planerar terrordåd för att döda israeler.

Men Israel har ju sedan länge förstått vilken PR-seger det är för palestinierna att alltid gråta av förtvivlan och alltid skylla allt på Israel. Varför gör man inte likadant? Varför betonar man inte de uppgifter jag just nämnt? Israel är ju regionens hårdast utsatta part.

Därför att det judiska folket efter andra världskriget inte vill se sig som offer igen.

Och jag känner stor respekt för den mentaliteten. I samma situation hade jag eftersträvat exakt detsamma.

Den som vill förstå mer om den psykologi som formar Israel kan se regissören Edward Zwicks senaste film “Defiance” (eller “Motstånd” som den heter på svenska) där Daniel Craig och Liev Schreiber spelar två av fyra bröder som bygger upp en judisk motståndsrörelse i Vitryska skogar när nazisterna invaderade under operation Barbarossa.

Det är en gripande historia om människor som vägrar vara offer. Mentaliteten skiljer sig markant från andra filmer i genren och från andra autentiska berättelser, om till exempel Oscar Schindler. I “Defiance” tar judarna befälet över sitt eget öde. Man tar strid. Här ger judar igen mot sina fiender.

Filmen gjorde starkt intryck på mig när jag såg den i helgen. Bröderna Tuvia Bielski (1906–1987) och ‘Zus’ Bielski (1912–1995) växte upp på landsbygden, långt ifrån den traditionella bild som finns av europeiska judar som storstadsintellektuella. Skogen var deras hemmiljö.

När tyskarna och lokal polis dödade deras föräldrar lyckas fyra bröder fly. I skogen söker sig allt fler judar som undgått massavrättningar i byar och städer till bröderna, som egentligen inte ville ta ansvar för fler än sig själva. Men bröderna behärskar skogen, är innovativa och handlingskraftiga. De tvingas motvilligt ta ledningen över en växande grupp flyktingar.

En helt central konflikt mellan bröderna är i hur hög grad de ska söka hämnd genom att döda nazister och deras kollaboratörer i befolkningen, kontra ansträngningar för att rädda så många kvinnor, barn och äldre att överleva som möjligt.

För mig summerar en enda kort mening filmens budskap och, så som jag uppfattar det, staten Israels existens:

Vår hämnd är att överleva.

Bröderna anklagades efter kriget för att varit alltför brutala, man dödade exempelvis tyskar som kapitulerade inför dem i slutet av kriget. Jag tycker mig kunna se en spegling av nutidens kritik mot Israel för att inte tillmötesgå motståndarna. Men hur kan man begära överenseende av dem som varit — och fortfarande hotas av — utrotning?

Så som bröderna blev bemötta, så bemötte de sina fiender: hårt och skoningslöst. Helt rätt enligt min mening. Och moraliskt fullt legitimt i krigstid då “valet” står mellan att döda eller bli dödad.

Och detta är situationen också för dagens Israel.

De som inte förstår det, kommer aldrig att förstå Mellanösternkonflikten.

DVD:n innehåller extramaterial där barn och barnbarn till bröderna intervjuas och gamla privata super-8 sekvenser visar bröderna i verkligheten, på äldre dar.

Man räknar med att omkring 1.200 människor överlevde till krigets slut tack vare bröderna Bielski. (Källa: The Bielski Brothers)

måndag 4 januari 2010

Khaddafi flyttar in på Rosengård

Jihad i Malmö

Skandinaviens största moské, den stora moskén

på Rosengård i Malmö har nya ägare. Den libyska

organisationen World Islamic Call Society har

tagit över fastigheten efter en härva av skattefusk

och försäkringsbedrägerier under den tidigare ägaren

Islamic Center. IC:s VD Bejzat Becirov dömdes

nyligen för bokföringsbrott.


Nu är det inte första gången överste Khaddafi är in-

blandad i Malmömoskén. Redan när den stora

anläggningen började byggas donerade Libyen marken.

Sedan dess har WICS regelbundet donerat stora summor

till Becirovs koncern och i gengäld haft styrelseposter i



Vad är då WICS ?

The World Islamic Call Society (WICS) is the official conduit

for the state-approved form of Islam. With an emphasis

on activities outside the country, it operates a state-run

university for moderate Muslim clerics from outside the

Arab world. To date, WICS has trained 5,000 students

in Islamic thought, literature, and history.

Upon graduation, the Government encourages students

to return home and promote its interpretation of Islamic

thought in their own countries. Beyond its role in education,

WICS serves as the religious arm of Qadhafi's foreign policy

and maintains relations on behalf of the Government with

the country's minority religious communities.

A state-run religious endowments (auqaf) authority

administers mosques, supervises clerics, and has primary

responsibility for ensuring that all religious practices within

the country conform to the state-approved form of Islam.


Det federala åtalet mot den amerikanske islamisten Abdurahman

Muhammad Alamoudi innehåller en hel del intressanta fakta om

Khaddafi, WICS och terroristaktiviteter.


En färsk artikel om WICS oönskade

"missionsverksamhet" i Storbritannien.



By Frosty Wooldridge
December 31, 2009

Part 14: Muslims play for keeps, Napolitano wants to show her love

In the State of Washington last month, Muslim Maurice Clemmons methodically killed four police officers in cold blood as they sat eating breakfast at a diner. Last month, in Detroit, Michigan, a dozen Islamic immigrants fired on FBI agents as they called for an Islamic State and Sharia Law to be enacted in Michigan. Another Muslim ran over his daughter (for wearing jeans) and killed her in Phoenix, Arizona in November: honor killing. At Fort Hood, a Muslim U.S. soldier, Major Nidal Hasan, killed 13 and wounded 28 Americans in a shooting spree. Nigerian Muslim Abdul Farouk Abdulmutallab, flying into Detroit, Michigan over the weekend, attempted to kill all 268 passengers on board with explosives sewn into his underwear.

Homeland Security Chief Janet Napolitano beamed, “The system works!” on national TV, but in fact, the bomb failed and security failed. Nearly 300 passengers could have and would have met their deaths if Abdulmutallab’s bomb blew up.

What does it mean? It means Napolitano exemplifies incompetence at the highest levels. While she later retracted her absurd statement, the U.S. Congress imported another 2,000 Muslims into the United States in December with the refugee program. Total for 2009: in excess of 24,000 Muslims arrived in the USA and we have no clue as to their intentions.

Reality check: we play Russian roulette with our culture, language and civilization! Call it political correctness or call it stupid as a doornail, our leaders couldn’t find their rear-ends with their own hands. Harry Reid advances ‘multiculturalism’ that will never touch him and Speaker Nancy Pelosi loves ‘diversity’ without having to stick her feet into it. Both advocate ‘political correctness’ at all costs.

In a brilliant piece, “On terrorism it’s time to know, to profile, and to discriminate” by Newt Gingrich, he calls for ‘discrimination’ in full force as to ferreting out Islamic terrorists.

“America is long overdue for a serious global strategy that includes targeting threats such as the terrorist killer at Fort Hood, the individuals recently arrested in Detroit, Denver and New York, and the five Americans detained in Pakistan,” Gingrich said. “The scale, persistence and sophistication of the enemy requires an honesty, a clarity, and a scale appropriate to the response. Once again, instead of targeting the source of the threats, our politically correct government decides to make life more miserable for the travelling public by imposing hopelessly meaningless rules such as not allowing passengers to leave their seats in the last hour of the flight. Bound by cultural sensitivities, the default reaction of the bureaucracy is to review the procedures and wring its hands ineffectively.”

How stupid are we?

“Before a lot more Americans are killed we must acquire the courage to tell the truth and to act on that truth,” said Gingrich. “We know our opponents are radical extremists of the irreconcilable wing of Islam. We know they have an ideology which is anti-female, desires to impose fundamentalist Sharia as a form of law, is hostile to other religions and is prepared to kill the innocent to achieve their goals. We know how to identify these enemies but our elites have refused to do so.”


Protecting the Rights of Terrorists: More Important than Protecting the Lives of Americans

“In the Obama Administration, protecting the rights of terrorists has been more important than protecting the lives of Americans,” said Gingrich. “It is time to know more about would-be terrorists, to profile for terrorists and to actively discriminate based on suspicious terrorist information. The United States should track down the owners of every website that promotes terrorism and systematically root them out. It should be as dangerous to a person promoting terrorism as it is to execute an act of terrorism. The same should apply to the electronic communications of every known radical (and using these communications to track down every unknown radical).”

The United States Must Actively Root Out Every Terrorist Website

“The people behind these websites should be barred from getting a U.S. visa if not in the United States (concurrently, we should make it easier – not harder – for non-terrorists to get visas because we want to encourage the law abiding while discriminating against the potential terrorist),” said Gingrich. “It should be reasonable for the flying public to have expected that when the Nigerian terrorist's father reported he was going to a terrorist training camp he should automatically have been barred from getting a visa and from flying into the United States.

We Need a "Grand National Strategy"

“Americans should also note that ABC News is reporting that two of the plotters to blow the Amsterdam to Detroit flight out of the air were released from Guantanamo in 2007, attended an "art rehabilitation program" in Saudi Arabia, were released and took up senior leadership positions in al Qaeda in Yemen. Americans should also know that nearly half of the remaining detainees in Guantanamo are from Yemen,” said Gingrich. “The recent arrest of five Americans in Pakistan and the report there are 25 British citizens training to be bombers in Yemen should remind us this is a global war.”

The New Honesty Should End Any Thought of a Civilian Trial in New York for KSM

“This new honesty about the threat should end any thought of a civilian trial in New York for 9/11 mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammad with its dangers for exposing American intelligence information. All terrorists including would-be bomber Abdulmutallab should be tried in military tribunals as part of a serious war strategy,” said Gingrich. “The Attorney General and every Justice Department appointee whose law firms provided pro bono counsel for terrorists should be fired and replaced with lawyers who believe the lives of Americans are more important than the rights of terrorists.”

Fire Janet Napolitano from Homeland Security: hire a retired military general!

What Gingrich said, I echo. Fire Napolitano for being inept, incompetent and out of touch. She reminds me of a five foot woman that cannot swim, but she jumped into a 10 foot swimming pool with no lifeguards. She’s in over her head and she’s taking our whole country down with her. She proved herself an inept governor of Arizona and as a ‘political appointee’, her incompetence could get more of us killed.

In the end, we wonder how competent her boss will prove himself.

Listen to Frosty Wooldridge on Wednesdays as he interviews top national leaders on his radio show "Connecting the Dots" at www.themicroeffect.com at 6:00 PM Mountain Time. Adjust tuning in to your time zone.

© 2009 Frosty Wooldridge - All Rights Reserved


By Frosty Wooldridge
December 21, 2009

Part 13: Slow, methodical, disciplined, meticulous injection of Islam into America

Islam contributed not one iota to the U.S. Constitution. In fact, if our founding fathers followed Islam, this nation would be ruled by theocratic Sharia Law. Women would enjoy less status than their husbands’ dogs. Everyone would be mandated to bow to Mecca five times a day. Islam does not allow freedom of religion, freedom of thought or women’s rights. It demands total submission to all within its power. It rules by fear.

Most Americans do not hold a clue as to Islam’s systematic incursion into the United States. In 1990, a total of 100,000 Muslims made less than a ripple within America. But, because of the late Senator Teddy Kennedy’s corruption of immigration and aided by our U.S. Congress, today, Muslims number from eight to nine million.

They enclave as they push regular Americans out of cities and towns across America. Detroit, Michigan suffers 600,000 Middle Eastern immigrants. Notice it also suffers 50 percent illiteracy and a 76 percent dropout rate from their high schools. They find themselves better served by sticking together with their religion, language and customs. They work against every aspect of ‘assimilating’ into America.

For simple examples of their ‘separating’ themselves from host countries, you may look at France, United Kingdom, Holland, Belgium, Sweden, Austria, Germany, Norway and other countries overtaken by Muslims. They literally create an antagonistic culture within the host country.

As of December, 2009, they boast of 1,209 mosques in America; most built with Saudi Arabia oil money. As their custom dictates, women must remain in a lowered status and enter those mosques at back doors.

In an expose’ of Islam’s final intentions as to the United States, IPT News published the following account: “Radical Movement's Leader Forecasts America's Demise” on December 4, 2009. You may access it at this website.
“As the spotlight moves away from the Fort Hood massacre, one of America's most openly radical Islamist organizations has taken to the murderer's defense,” IPT reported. “As-Sabiqun, a Washington D.C.-based organization with branches in four other major American cities, released a flyer labeling shooter Nidal Malik Hasan as "victimized" and the "target of psychological warfare." The handout also defended convicted terrorists and suspects.

“As-Sabiqun has repeatedly predicted the demise of the United States and dreams of "the Islamic State of North America no later than 2050." It has openly declared support for terrorist organizations like Hamas and Hizbullah, and even claimed it funded anti-American militants. With concerns growing over radical Islamist propaganda in the United States, As-Sabiqun is one of the leading organizations building a bridge between international Islamism and its developing American counterpart.”

Steve S. responded to the report: “So what's new? As-Sabiqun is perfectly within his legislated rights to call for the violent overthrow of our freedoms and values, and I expect anytime soon to be reminded by leftist inbreds that not all Muslims are terrorists and that Islam is a peaceful religion...oh, and that I must be a bigot for thinking otherwise. Let's face it; there is little hope for the fat and complacent West as long as our gutless leaders yawn at the reality that the progress of Man is under siege by an insidious religious ideology that will stop at nothing short of unconditional domination. Much of Scandinavia is already on the path to capitulation, while the rest of Europe continues to huddle around the consolation that it holds the moral high ground.”

A Muslim named “Musa” has traveled abroad to support Islamist movements worldwide. The As-Sabiqun website indicates that Musa traveled abroad several times to Iran. During a 1996 conference in South Africa, he stated:

"And this religion Islam will dominate all other religions whether the Americans, whether the British, whether the French, whether the Russians, whether the Japanese, whether all of them get together in one solid group to fight Islam. It don't make no difference. In the final analysis, Allah said that his religion—Islam—will rise to the forefront, will be elevated to the role of leadership in this world, whether they all like it or not."

“The extremism expressed by As-Sabiqun and Musa might easily be passed off as the bizarre ranting of a radical cleric and his hateful organization,” reported IPT News. “However, as the Fort Hood massacre, the FBI shooting of Luqman Abdullah in Detroit, Michigan, and other recent investigations show, fiery rhetoric can lead to violent plotting. The lesson of Fort Hood is not to ignore open self-radicalization, but to heed those who openly preach our destruction from within.”

If you think it’s easy to placate Islam, think again. It uses ‘political correctness’ like an art form. The Council on American Islamic Relations uses it with incredible finesse. However, the FBI and other federal organizations currently run investigations on C.A.I.R. for funneling money to terrorists.

Catching up to Islam, P. David Gaubatz and Paul Sperry wrote a blockbuster book, Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That's Conspiring to Islamize America.

Gaubatz and Sperry conducted a six-month penetration of the Council on American-Islamic Relations that resulted in the collection of thousands of pages of revealing documents as well as inside secrets.

“The book’s frightening allegations are well supported by more than twelve thousand pages of confidential, internal CAIR documents secretly extracted during an unprecedented undercover operation. This trail of information reveals the insidious and well-funded efforts of the seditious Muslim Brotherhood under the nonprofit guise of CAIR to fully support the international jihad against the United States, with the goal of transforming American society from within. They hope to accomplish this through terrorist activities, fraud, and infiltration of our political and intelligence systems, which these documents clearly reveal.”

What you'll learn in this book:

Which politicians are given money by CAIR.
How Capitol Hill staffers are strategically placed by CAIR.
Why FBI bonuses are paid to agents who are nice to CAIR.
Why our government is afraid to reveal what they really know about CAIR.

Again, the United States remains the last ‘mark’ for Islam. It’s going to be very interesting to see how fast it converges onto America and how fast it uses the U.S. Constitution to institute Sharia Law within the United States, city by city, state by state and ultimately, all of America.

Listen to Frosty Wooldridge on Wednesdays as he interviews top national leaders on his radio show "Connecting the Dots" at www.themicroeffect.com at 6:00 PM Mountain Time. Adjust tuning in to your time zone.

© 2009 Frosty Wooldridge - All Rights Reserved


By Frosty Wooldridge
December 17, 2009

Part 12: A Muslim can lie to any non-believer if it gives the upper hand

Islam demands total submission of its devotees. Muslims use any number of barbaric methods to terrify, frighten and scare members into obedience. As noted within this series, fathers run over their daughters killing them for infractions such as wearing jeans and husbands behead their wives for filing for a divorce as shown by this occurrence:

In New York, February 16, 2009, FOX News, Joshua Rhett Miller reported, “The estranged wife of a Muslim television executive feared for her life after filing for divorce last month from her abusive husband,” her attorney said — and was found beheaded Thursday in his upstate New York television studio. Aasiya Z. Hassan, 37, was found dead on Thursday at the offices of Bridges TV in Orchard Park, N.Y., near Buffalo. Her husband, Muzzammil Hassan, 44, has reportedly been charged with second-degree murder.

Please note that this activity encompasses 5,000 female deaths annually in Middle Eastern countries. Unimaginable torture of women remains common such as acid being thrown in their faces for disobedience. For Muslims, it’s normal. For Western culture, we shudder at the barbarism of it.

For those American women promoting multiculturalism and diversity by inviting millions of Muslims into this country, a rude awakening awaits American women or their daughters in the future.

For a sobering look at what we face, please visit this website.

You will find how Islam deals with homosexuals or ‘gays’. Muslims tend to kill them without questions. The following three videos will give you an idea of Islamic violence toward gays.

“Back on September 25th, a few thousand Muslims gathered on Capitol Hill, a number well short of the 50,000 the event planners were shooting for and hoping for,” said an ACT member. “An ACT for America team, led by two of our Florida chapter leaders, was on hand for the event, and was able to interview a number of the Muslims who attended.”

In one case, the discussion centered around whether or not homosexuals should be put to death under Shariah law. Care to guess what the Muslim’s position was? Kill all homosexuals!
In a second instance, the team interviewed a disciple of terrorist Sheikh Gilani. Sheikh Gilani’s organization is behind the creation of some 40 secretive compounds in this country which are the focus of the video documentary “Homegrown Jihad.” This interview is an eye-opening example of how, when confronted, Islamists deny even the most obvious and documented facts.
In a third instance, our team captured some very revealing video about the place of women in Islam.

All three of these videos are now available for public viewing, and I encourage you to view them and pass this email on to others.

1-Homosexuals must be killed…
2-ACT! interviews disciple of Islamist terrorist Sheikh Gilani
3-Intriguing insight into a dominant male theocracy where men are intimidating and threatening and where women are segregated, submissive, and subjugated.”

As I dug deeper into this phenomenon of Islam, I found several verses in the Koran where they are allowed to lie like a thief if they are talking to a non-believer. Thus, they do not have any moral or ethical compunction while in our country to tell the truth. As long as they do not offend Allah, they can essentially get away with murder.

In the Seattle, Washington area, Muslim Maurice Clemmons killed four police officers while they sat eating breakfast. According to Allah, since all of them were non-believers, Allah directed Clemmons to kill them in cold blood. Muhammad the Prophet made dozens of references to kill non-believers in the name of Islam.

While we import 2,000 Muslims per month into the USA, we cannot possibly acculturate or absorb them into Western civilization and its democratic ways. They enclave into their own ‘communities’ much like the Mexicans. Thus, we will experience more and more ‘honor killings’ such as beheadings, cut off hands, beating deaths, acid in faces, female genital mutilation, arranged marriages with nine year old daughters and terror attacks.

One of my readers said, “Self-Serving Diversity Nuts are Destroying Our Country”

“For the past 25 years I have been writing on the destructive force of diversity, affirmative action, political correctness, and the hypocrisy and stupidity by those in government and the news media in regards to these evils,” said JFA. “And, I have found that anyone who speaks the truth about these issues will be labeled a racist and an un-American malcontent, by our self-anointed elites, especially, those in the newspaper business.

“It seems these 'supposed' purveyors of the truth don't want readers to be aware of the outrageous high crime rate committed by Blacks; that 95 percent of HIV is spread by promiscuous homosexuals and needle using drug addicts; that it was hundreds of homosexual Catholic priests and not a few pedophiles that sexually abused the male teenagers of its parishioners; and we are to over-look the millions of third world aliens crossing our borders illegally and the thousands who overstay their visas.

“I have been chastised and had my words in articles changed by political correct (lying) newspaper elites for even calling the flood of aliens

invading our country, “illegal aliens” -- and for writing that our corrupt Federal government only pretends to control our borders and ports -- even, now when we have 15 million unemployed. And, I have been demonized for writing that violence is escalating because over 100,000 illegal aliens along with 138,000 new immigrants with their children arrive in the U.S. every 30 days from war torn, poverty stricken, culturally incompatible countries where violence is a way of life.
“We now have another pandering, political correct President who by way of the FBI and a slobbering news media has attempted to label Nidal Malik Hasan's murderous attack on unarmed troops and civilians--not a terrorist attack.

“As a student of History and retired educator of 32 years, I know full well from my study of past civilizations that as, Jared Taylor of American

Renaissance said, "Diversity is the most stupid thing to ever come down the pike." It's obvious we have allowed our leaders to lead us into national idiocy and put us on the road to cultural genocide -- and, by doing so, have turned our nation into one no longer united by language and culture.

“The real killers at Fort Hood are our phony elites that led us down the path of diversity, affirmative action, and political correctness; and we lemmings are equally guilty and responsible for allowing them to do so.”

Listen to Frosty Wooldridge on Wednesdays as he interviews top national leaders on his radio show "Connecting the Dots" at www.themicroeffect.com at 6:00 PM Mountain Time. Adjust tuning in to your time zone.

© 2009 Frosty Wooldridge - All Rights Reserved


By Frosty Wooldridge
December 10, 2009

Part 10: What historians say about Islam

As this series on Islam winds down, you may want to investigate how fast this religion spreads across the planet. Not because of its ‘purity’ or ‘intelligence’ but via its preying on illiteracy, poverty and desperation. In its rawest most basic form, it adheres to and promotes violence. Its disciples carry a furor called ‘jihad’ unknown to most Westerners until they find themselves nostril-deep within its grasp. It uses fear and intimidation when its numbers exceed the host country.

You may visit this website for a inkling of what America faces in the 21st century.

Libyan leader Moammar Kadafi said, “There are signs that Allah will grant victory to Islam in Europe without guns or conflict. The 52 million Muslims will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades.” Note: European birthrates average 1.4 children while European Muslims hit 8.1 children per woman.

Fatwa world war: The new Islamic conquest began February 23 1998; (Published) A Statement signed by many Islamic Jihad leaders from most Muslim countries, first by Sheikh Osama Bin-Laden: ”In compliance with Allah’s order, we issue the following fatwa to all Muslims: The ruling to kill the Americans and their allies, civilians and military, is an individual duty for every Muslim who can, in any country in which it is possible. We with Allah's help call on every Muslim who believes in Allah and wishes to be rewarded, to comply with Allah's order to kill the Americans and plunder their money wherever and whenever they find it. Unless you go forth, Allah will punish you with a grievous penalty, and put others in your place.” Muhammad, prophet of Islam

Amil Amani said, “To a jihadist, death is nothing more than casting off a shell of the worthless earthly existence and donning the suit for winging joyously to the life of bliss promised by none-other than Allah’s beloved final emissary, Muhammad. Eradication of jihadism is a daunting task, since Islam is truly a virulent persistent pandemic disease. Massive education efforts, combined with resolute confrontation of all sources and people that support and promote this deadly philosophy, hold the best promise of dealing effectively with this affliction of humanity.”

Make no mistake: if America continues importing millions of Muslims, at some point, they will vie for dominance in our society. They will push for Sharia Law as well as subjugation of women. Their religion proves one of the most virulent on the planet.

You may read what historians said:

Sir William Muir (1819-1905): He specialized in the history of Muhammad and the early time frame of rule. His chief books are a Life of Mahomet and History of Islam to the Era of the Hegira; Annals of the Early Caliphate; The Caliphate; The Koran: its Composition and Teaching; The Mohammedan Controversy, a reprint of five essays published at intervals between 1885 and 1887. In 1888 he delivered the Rede lecture at Cambridge on The Early Caliphate and Rise of Islam.

Along with other writings from Muir, his words ring clear today: “The sword of Muhammad and the Qur'an are the most fatal enemies of civilization, liberty and truth which the world has ever known - an unmitigated cultural disaster parading as God's will.”

Winston Churchill (1874-1965): “How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as His absolute property – either as a child, a wife, or a concubine – must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities.

“But the influence of the religion paralyzes the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith.”

John Quincy Adams (1761-1848): “In the seventh century of the Christian era, a wandering Arab of the linage of Hagar, the Egyptian, combining the powers of transcendent genius, with the preternatural energy of a fanatic, and fraudulent spirit of an imposter, proclaimed himself as a messenger from Heaven, and spread desolation and delusion over an extensive portion of the earth.

“He poisoned the sources of human felicity at the fountain, by degrading the condition of the female sex, and the allowance of polygamy; and he declared undistinguishing and exterminating war, as a part of his religion, against all the rest of mankind. The essence of his doctrine was violence and lust: to exalt the brutal over the spiritual part of human nature. While the merciless and dissolute dogmas of the false prophet shall furnish motives to human action, there can never be peace upon earth, and good will towards men.”

Alexis de Tocqueville (1805-1859): “I studied the Qur’an a great deal. I came away from that study with the conviction that by and large there have been few religions in the world as deadly to men as that of Mohammad. So far as I can see, it is the principal cause of the decadence so visible today in the Muslim world and, though less absurd than the polytheism of old, its social and political tendencies are in my opinion more to be feared, and I therefore regard it as a form of decadence rather than a form of progress in relation to paganism itself.”

John Wesley (1703-1791): “Ever since the religion of Islam appeared in the world, the espouser of it have been as wolves and tigers to all that fell into their merciless paws, and grinding them with their iron teeth; that numberless cities are raised from the foundation, and only their name remaining; that many countries, which were once as the garden of God, are now a desolate wilderness; and that so many once numerous and powerful nations are vanished from the earth! Such was, and is at this day, the rage, the fury, the revenge, of these destroyers of human kind.”

U.S. President George Washington: “If we desire to avoid insult, we must be able to repel it; if we desire to secure peace, one of the most powerful instruments of our rising prosperity, it must be known that we are at all times ready for war. I plead with you to maintain your stance against the evil empire of darkness. I pray God to give you strength, courage, and knowledge in spreading the truth. Islamic followers are a formidable and dangerous enemy.”

The sooner America closes down the door to Islamic immigration, the sooner it stands a small chance of surviving Islam’s religious fervor in the 21st century. If not, we will follow Europe into the hellhole of Islamic incursion.

Correction for Part 8, December 7, 2009: When pointed out that I made a mistake, I take responsibility and I apologize. Several readers pointed out that I made an error as to the sign in the book store honoring a 9/11 terrorist. “That sign in the window of the shop in Houston, TX had nothing to do with 9/11 or the hijackers. Here's the explanation - please share with your readers so they don't come away with the wrong impression. Imam Ali has nothing to do with any 9/11 hijacker - Imam Ali was the cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad and his "martyrdom" (assassination) on orders of the Sunni Governor of Syria, Muawiyah, fell on the 19th day of the month of Ramadan in the year 661 C.E. - in keeping with the precession of the Muslim lunar calendar, this particular year (2009), that date just happened to fall on Friday 11 September - nothing whatsoever to do with the attacks of 9/11 - this is a strictly Shi'a Muslim observance of the 7th century killing of the man they consider the first Imam of Shi'a Islam. Hope this proves helpful to you...so, please let your readers know that this shopkeeper's sign was about a Shi'a religious commemoration - not 9/11!” CML Woodbridge, VA

Listen to Frosty Wooldridge on Wednesdays as he interviews top national leaders on his radio show "Connecting the Dots" at www.themicroeffect.com at 6:00 PM Mountain Time. Adjust tuning in to your time zone.

© 2009 Frosty Wooldridge - All Rights Reserved


By Frosty Wooldridge
December 7, 2009

Part 9: Dry run for another 9/11, Muslims in America honoring their guy who drove the airplane into the WTC towers on 9/11.

A Muslim book store in Houston, Texas closed on 9/11 in order to celebrate one of the hijackers that drove an airplane into the World Trade Center towers. Harwin Drive is a street in southwest Houston lined with shops that sell right off the boat Chinese junk and knock-offs. Muslims run the majority of shops. A Houston resident said, “Today I went to the Harwin Central Mall to pick up some crystals. The very first store that you come to when you walk from the lobby of the building into the shopping area had this sign posted on their door. It read, “We are closed today September 11, 2009 in order to commemorate Imam Ali.” I couldn’t stay in the building it made me so sick.

Imam Ali piloted one of the planes into the World Trade Towers on 9/11/01. Thus, we feature Muslim-Americans that celebrate his actions annually while we mourn our 3,000 dead at the same time.

This story occurred on November 17, 2009 as reported by FOX NEWS. Below, you may read the story from the man who reported it as an eyewitness:

“One week ago, I went to Ohio on business and to see my father,” said Tedd Patruna. “On Tuesday, November the 17th, I returned home. If you read the papers the 18th you may have seen a blurb where a Air Tran flight was cancelled from Atlanta to Houston due to a man who refused to get off of his cell phone before takeoff. It was on Fox.”

Here is what actually happened.

“I was in 1st class coming home,” Patruna said. “Eleven Muslim men got on the plane in full attire. Two sat in 1st class and the rest peppered themselves throughout the plane all the way to the back. As the plane taxied to the runway the stewardesses gave the safety spiel we are all so familiar with. At that time, one of the men got on his cell and called one of his companions in the back and proceeded to talk on the phone in Arabic very loudly and very aggressively. This took the 1st stewardess out of the picture for she repeatedly told the man that cell phones were not permitted at the time. He ignored her as if she was not there.

“The 2nd man who answered the phone did the same and this took out the 2nd stewardess. In the back of the plane at this time, two younger Muslims, one in the back, isle, and one in front of him, window, began to show footage of a porno they had taped the night before, and were very loud about it. They are only permitted to do this prior to Jihad. The 3rd stewardess informed them that they were not to have electronic devices on at this time. To which one of the men said, “Shut up infidel dog!” She tried to take the camcorder and he began to scream in her face in Arabic. At that exact moment, all 11 of them got up and started to walk the cabin. This is where I had had enough! I got up and started to the back where I heard a voice behind me from another Texan twice my size say “I got your back.” I grabbed the man who had been on the phone by the arm and said, “You WILL go sit down or you WILL be thrown from this plane!” As I “led” him around me to take his seat, the fellow Texan grabbed him by the back of his neck and his waist and headed out with him. I then grabbed the 2nd man and said, “You WILL do the same!” He protested but adrenaline was flowing now and he was going to go.

The pilots taxied the plane back to the terminal.

“As I escorted him forward the plane doors open and three TSA agents and four police officers entered. My new Texan friend and I were told to cease and desist for they had this under control. I was happy to oblige actually. There was some commotion in the back, but within moments, all 11 were escorted off the plane. They then unloaded their luggage.

“We talked about the occurrence and were in disbelief that it had happened, when suddenly, the door open again and on walked all 11!! Stone faced, eyes front and robotic. The stewardess from the back had been in tears and when she saw this, she was having NONE of it! Being that I was up front, I heard and saw the whole ordeal. She told the TSA agent there was NO WAY she was staying on the plane with these men. The agent told her they had searched them and were going to go through their luggage with a fine tooth comb and that they were allowed to proceed to Houston. The captain and co-captain came out and told the agent “We and our crew will not fly this plane!” After a word or two, the entire crew, luggage in tow, left the plane. Five minutes later, the cabin door opened again and a whole new crew walked on.

“Again…..this is where I had had enough!!! I got up and asked “What the hell is going on?” I was told to take my seat. They were sorry for the delay and I would be home shortly. I said “I’m getting off this plane”. The stewardess sternly told me that she could not allow me to get off. I said, “I am a grown man who bought this ticket, whose time is mine with a family at home and I am going through that door, or I’m going through that door with you under my arm!! But I am going through that door!!” And I heard a voice behind me say “so am I”. Then everyone behind us started to get up and say the same. Within two minutes, I was walking off that plane where I was met with more agents who asked me to write a statement. I had five hours to kill at this point so why the hell not. Due to the amount of people who got off that flight, it was cancelled. I was supposed to be in Houston at 6 pm. I got here at 12:30 am.”

Look up the date. Flight 297 Atlanta to Houston.

“If this wasn’t a dry run, I don’t know what one is,” said Petruna. “The terrorists wanted to see how TSA would handle it, how the crew would handle it, and how the passengers would handle it. I’m telling this to you because I want you to know….The threat is real. I saw it with my own eyes.”

As we import more and more Muslims into America, they will congeal into a powerful political, religious, linguistic, cultural and balkanized force. They repeat the same in every country they colonize.

We can expect those suicide bombers from Iraq and Afghanistan to morph into immigrant-citizens or children born of immigrants to begin blowing up malls, theaters and sports contests in the United States. It’s only a matter of time. It’s already happening with such examples as the “Fort Dix Six, Fort Hood’s Major Nidal Hasan, American born Muslim Najibullah Zazi in Denver last month, and a half dozen others from New York to Dallas, Texas.

“The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, or preventing all possibility of it continuing to be a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities and languages.” President Teddy Roosevelt, 1908

Unfortunately, we’re doing it to ourselves. Apathy + tolerance= dying virtues of the American civilization.

Listen to Frosty Wooldridge on Wednesdays as he interviews top national leaders on his radio show "Connecting the Dots" at www.themicroeffect.com at 6:00 PM Mountain Time. Adjust tuning in to your time zone.

© 2009 Frosty Wooldridge - All Rights Reserved

Säpo varnar: Terroristerna finns i Sverige

Den somaliska terrorgruppen al-Shabab rekryterar unga svenskar. Säpo skärper uppmärksamheten efter mordförsöket på Muhammed-tecknaren i Danmark. Ett tiotal svenskar deltar just nu i träningsläger och våldshandlingar i Somalia, enligt Säpo.

Den somaliske yxmannens attack på tecknaren Kurt Westergaard fokuserar intresset på islamistgruppen al-Shabab i Somalia. Gruppen, som har kopplingar till terrornätverket al-Qaida, berömmer angriparen och uppmanar andra somalier över hela världen att följa hans exempel.

"20-tal svenskar"

BOMBPLAN. Yxmannen greps tidigare i år i Kenya misstänkt för att förbereda ett attentat mot Hillary Clinton. Foto: Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images

- Vi har hela 2009 talat om problematiken att svenskar reser till Somalia för att deltai träningsläger och våldshandlingar, säger Patrik Peter, presssekreterare på Säpo.
- Ett 20-tal svenskar har rest till Somalia de senaste åren. Av dem har en handfull hittats döda efter våldshandlingar.I dag finns ett tiotal svenskar på plats i Somalia, säger han.


Den 28-årige mannen som försökte mörda tecknaren besökte Sverige förra året för att samla in pengar till al-Shahab, uppger somalier i Sverige. Besöket ska ha skett tillsammans med en god vän, också han dansk-somalier, som senare blev självmordsbombare och sprängde ihjäl ett 20-tal människor i Somalias huvudstad Mogadishu i december.
- Vi följer det här mycket noga. Vi samarbetar kontinuerligt med säkerhetspolisen i Danmark, säger Patrik Peter.
Han förklarar att det är olagligt att samla in pengar till terrorism, men att det är svårt att rättsligt bevisa att givarna medvetet skänker pengar till terror.

Svårt att stoppa

KOPPLING. Somaliern som anföll den danske tecknaren Kurt Westergaard kopplas till al-Shabab. Foto: Ernst Van Norde

Tidigare har Säpo varnat för att unga svenskar i Somalia "inom kort" kan delta i terrordåd. Unga män, uppvuxna i Sverige, inspireras av äldre och erfarna aktivister, förklarar Malena Rembe, chefsanalytiker vid Säpos enhet för kontraterrorism, i en intervju. Hon påpekar att det är svårt för Säpo att stoppa deras resor till Somalia.
- De har alla radikaliserats till den här våldsglorifierande ideologin i Sverige, säger Rembe.