fredag 5 februari 2010

Turkish girl, 16, buried alive for talking to boys

Half of the murders in Turkey are Honor Killings. Honor Killings is done by muslims and is done because a daughter does something to disrespect her family’s honor. In this case below, a daughter was simply speaking to boys. Do you think it’s radical or moderate muslims that commit these crimes? Most likely both sides. Islam is a dangerous religion.

Robert Tait in Istanbul, Thursday 4 February 2010 19.03 GMT

Death reopens debate over 'honour' killings in Turkey, which account for half of all the country's murders.


The hole where the girl was buried alive by her relatives.

Turkish police have recovered the body of a 16-year-old girl they say was buried alive by relatives in an "honor" killing carried out as punishment for talking to boys.

The girl, who has been identified only by the initials MM, was found in a sitting position with her hands tied, in a two-metre hole dug under a chicken pen outside her home in Kahta, in the south-eastern province of Adiyaman.

Police made the discovery in December after a tip-off from an informant, the Turkish newspaper Hurriyet reported on its website.

The girl had previously been reported missing.

The informant told the police she had been killed following a family "council" meeting.

Her father and grandfather are said to have been arrested and held in custody pending trial. It is unclear whether they have been charged. The girl's mother was arrested but was later released.

Media reports said the father had told relatives he was unhappy that his daughter – one of nine children – had male friends. The grandfather is said to have beaten her for having relations with the opposite sex.

A postmortem examination revealed large amounts of soil in her lungs and stomach, indicating that she had been alive and conscious while being buried. Her body showed no signs of bruising.

The discovery will reopen the emotive debate in Turkey about "honor" killings, which are particularly prevalent in the impoverished south-east.

Official figures have indicated that more than 200 such killings take place each year, accounting for around half of all murders in Turkey.

torsdag 21 januari 2010

2009: Banner Year for the Jihad Against the US w/ a Cameo by Wafa Sultan!

Sweden threatened with jihad

Videos show men training with explosives, Sweden threatened with 'suffering in the name of Allah'; former ambassador to Sweden says potential for terror infrastructure exists.

Yaakov Lappin Published: 09.01.05, 08:16 / Israel News

A group using the name of Iraqi jihad group Ansar al-Sunnah has released videos showing what it claims are members training for terror attacks in the Swedish countryside.

In one video, dated August 8 2005, the group says that viewers are about to see a “demonstration of the high explosives device, that we will use in the name of Allah.”

“This was recorded somewhere in Sweden,” says a message on the video in yellow letters against military camouflage colors.

A large explosion is then seen in a heavily wooded area. While it is not possible to verify the location of the explosion, the scenery does appear to be northern European.

A second video by the group, which is dated August 29, contains images of men with blurred out faces setting off mock suicide explosives and roadside car bomb attacks.

The video begins with a message which reads: “Demonstration of real high explosives device, that is filled with gas instead of ammoniate nitrate.” It goes on to show men standing in a clearing in a forest. They are seen pulling chords attached to devices, and setting off explosions of white smoke around themselves. In the same video, a red vehicle is seen driving along a forest path, before suddenly being engulfed in an explosion of white smoke.

The videos are available for download on, which frequently posts videos of jihad shooting and bomb attacks from around the world, along with documents containing bomb making manuals.

'Suffer in the name of Allah'

One user on the site, who identified himself as 'Dehex,' warned that “Sweden will suffer in the name of Allah.”

Referring to a well known Swedish reverend, Runar Soogard, who is reported to be under police protection after offending Muslims with a speech about Islam’s prophet, Muhammad, Dehex wrote: “Runar Soogard had a very bad and nasty speech about our greatest prophet Mohamed.”

“It's because he doesn't wan't to apologize to the Ummah Nation on at least television. That’s why they are giving out this videos as a warning! There will be one more warning, if he doesn't apologize on television…” wrote the user, in an ominous warning.

‘Dehex’ also posted an image showing a bloodied knife plunged into a map of Sweden, accompanied by the message: “We will slaughter all who dared to attack our prophet Mohamed.”

'Sweden has a problem'

Speaking to Ynetnews, Israel’s former ambassador to Sweden, Zvi Mazel, said he was not surprised by the presence of jihad movements in the Scandinavian country.

“Sweden is scene to violent demonstrations by radical Muslims, who are often joined by the far left,” said Mazel.

“In the middle of a talk I was giving in Stockholm, we were suddenly told by security personnel that there was an Islamist anti-Israel demonstration, in which members of the crowd were smashing windows with iron bars.”

“The Swedish press says that Sweden has immunity from terror due to its anti-Israel stance,” added Mazel.

The former ambassador also painted a grim picture of the situation for Sweden’s Jewish community. “There are harassments and physical attacks against Jews in Sweden,” he said. “There are many complaints about anti-Semitism among the Jewish community there.”

“There is a big problem in Sweden. Jihadist organizations certainly have a potential infrastructure there,” he added.

Sweden struggles against Islamisation: Jihad training and threats in country with one of Europe's most Muslim cities

December 25, 2005

Sweden's rising Muslim tide

Home to one of Europe's most Muslim cities, the country may also be host to increasing radicalism.

By James Brandon | Correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor

MALMO, SWEDEN - As a group of Swedish Muslims begin their midday prayers in a mosque still blackened by smoke from a recent Molotov-cocktail attack, Bejzat Becirov, director of Malmo's Islamic Center, is talking urgently.

"I'm afraid the same thing will happen here as in Paris," says Mr. Becirov, a Macedonian immigrant who opened Scandinavia's first mosque in this city in southern Sweden in 1984.

Malmo, which has one of the highest percentage of Muslims of any western European city, illustrates the challenges facing a continent whose native population is increasingly wary of a rapidly expanding and often discontented Muslim population.

But while the mosque has been a target for attacks since its founding, there is increasing evidence that Islamic militants are gaining a foothold in Sweden by successfully exploiting racial tensions and Muslim anger over economic underachievement, and ghettoization.

Bosnian authorities arrested a Muslim Swede in Sarajevo in October for possession of explosives while Islamist websites published several inflammatory but unsubstantiated claims in late summer that a mujahideen training camp has been established in southern Sweden.

Meanwhile moderate Muslims like Becirov, whose progressive mosque is a place where Sunnis and Shiites praying side by side, are increasingly under fire from both Swedish nationalists who see them as dangerous representatives of radical Islam and Muslim fundamentalists who see them as selling out to Western ideas.

"It's been like hell on earth to deal with this whole process," sighs Becirov, displaying Swedish press accounts of the last firebombing of the mosque Oct. 21.

But although the attacks on Becirov's mosque have generated support from Muslims in Sweden and abroad, many Malmo Muslims are turning to increasingly radical forms of Islam - in some cases alienated by Becirov himself.

"This mosque is no good," says one Palestinian refugee who works nearby. "The imam, he is no good. He says one thing and he does another," he says, accusing him of un-Islamic activities, such as drinking alcohol.

Such suspicions may be pushing even mainstream Swedish Muslims toward radical street preachers, especially in the nearby suburb of Rosengaard where Muslim immigrants form a substantial majority.

"These neighborhoods are hunting grounds for Islamists but how many and how organized [they are] it's impossible to say," says Aje Carlbom, a Malmo University researcher who began studying Rosengaard society nearly ten years ago.

"Twenty years ago when the mosque was established they [its founders] had some political problems and pushed the different factions out," Carlbom explains. "These small factions established their own mosques in basements."

It is a pattern echoed across Europe. While moderate Muslims may disown extremists and bar them from mosques, they do little to challenge extremist ideologies and the radical preachers merely regroup elsewhere, out of sight of both mainstream Muslims and the authorities.

"I know for a fact that there are small extremist groups in Malmo," says Arjumand Carlstein, a social worker at Malmo Islamic Centre, attached to the mosque. "And apart from the organized groups, you also have the Internet and extremists can easily communicate with each other in other parts of the world."

This global phenomenon appears to be spreading to Sweden. In August, several short video clips appeared on the Internet purporting to show experimental detonations of explosives in a wooded valley, supposedly in Sweden.

In September, another Islamist website claiming to speak for Ansar Al-Sunna, the Iraqi terrorist group, said the group had established "a small isolated training camp in southern Sweden."

"We wish to inform the Ummah," said the website, referring to the global Islamic community, "that the Army of Ansar Al-Sunnah in Sweden are well-trained to defend our holy countries ... having established a Mujahideen training camp, located in Skane [the region in southern Sweden that includes Malmo] ... with the help from Allah."

The website's authors claimed that the camp would only be used to train fighters for combat abroad. However they also promised to "capture and punish" the Swedish Evangelist preacher Runar Sogaard who in March called Islam's Prophet Mohammad a "pedophile" for marrying a girl who, according to many Muslim traditions, was only 9 years old.

The website has since been closed down, and experts interviewed for this article were unaware of any such camps. However, the jihadists' claims suggest that problems lie beneath the placid exterior of Swedish society.

While lavish welfare payments have to some extent enabled Sweden to buy off Muslim discontent more effectively than France, some think this has also fomented other problems by preventing many immigrants from advancing economically or socially in Swedish society.

"The Swedish system is very pacifying," says Carlstein. "A lot of people feel you don't have to get a job or learn the language," adding that unemployment and social immobility can help fuel radicalism.

But so far there have been no terrorist attacks or Paris-style revolts in Sweden, and violence in Malmo has been largely between criminal gangs, together with some sporadic attacks against Jewish targets and municipal buses.

"France has a tradition of revolt and demonstration against the state," says Jonathan Friedman, professor of social anthropology at the nearby University of Lund. "But in Sweden it's almost as if the state has sided with the immigrants against the Swedish working class."

"Sweden thinks of itself as immune from terrorism because of its foreign policies," adds Magnus Ranstorp, an analyst at the Swedish National Defence College.

"But one has to be worried about issues like in Holland," he continues, referring to the murder of filmmaker Theo van Gogh, "although it would take a lot for something like that to happen in Sweden."

Robert Spencer: The UN’s Jihad Against Free Speech

Originally posted at Frontpage Magazine:

By Robert Spencer
Front Page Magazine

In a crushing blow to the freedom of speech worldwide, the United Nations Human Rights Council last Thursday approved a resolution calling upon member states to provide legal “protection against acts of hatred, discrimination, intimidation and coercion resulting from defamation of religions and incitement to religious hatred in general.”

While the resolution speaks of religion in general, the proposal came from Pakistan and had the backing of the powerful 57-government Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), the UN’s largest voting bloc – so it was clear that Islam was the only religion the drafters of the resolution had in mind. This is underscored by the fact that Muslim states have worked energetically to make “Islamophobia” the focus of Durban II — the UN’s upcoming second World Conference on Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance. A draft declaration declares that “defamation of Islam” should be a criminal offense, even when it takes place under the “pretext” of “freedom of expression, counter terrorism or national security.”

In other words, if the OIC and the drafters of the Durban declaration get their way, any honest examination of how jihadists use Islamic texts and teachings to make recruits will be illegal. So not only does this herald the death of free speech, but it also leaves us mute and defenseless before the advancing global jihad.

This has been a long time coming. The UNHRC resolution and the Durban II draft are part of an international agenda agreed upon at the March 2008 meeting in Senegal convened by the OIC. At that convocation the OIC developed what the Associated Press called “a battle plan” to defend Islam – but not from the terrorists who, as we hear all the time, have “hijacked” their religion. Rather, the OIC declared its intention to craft a “legal instrument” to fight against the threat to Islam they perceived “from political cartoonists and bigots.”

The OIC was referring, of course, to the “notorious” Danish cartoons of Muhammad that appeared in 2005, touching off riots and murders all over the Islamic world. “Muslims are being targeted by a campaign of defamation, denigration, stereotyping, intolerance and discrimination,” explained Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, the OIC’s secretary general. The AP reported that OIC “delegates were given a voluminous report by the OIC that recorded anti-Islamic speech and actions from around the world. The report concludes that Islam is under attack and that a defense must be mounted.”

The offensive would take the form of a “legal instrument” that would criminalize what the OIC and other Islamic entities perceive as criticism of Islam. “Islamophobia,” Ihsanoglu declared, “cannot be dealt with only through cultural activities but (through) a robust political engagement.” This is a careful euphemism calling for restrictions on freedom of speech. Abdoulaye Wade, the President of Senegal and chairman of the OIC, made this point explicit: “I don’t think freedom of expression should mean freedom from blasphemy. There can be no freedom without limits.”

The OIC’s campaign against free speech met with its first big success at the UN Human Rights Council. In June 2008, Council President Doru-Romulus Costea explained that religious issues can be “very complex, very sensitive and very intense. . . . This council is not prepared to discuss religious matters in depth, consequently we should not do it.” Henceforth only religious scholars would be permitted to broach such sensitive issues.

“While Costea’s ban applies to all religions,” the AP explained, “it was prompted by Muslim countries complaining about references to Islam.” The ban came after a heated session in which David G. Littman, speaking for several non-governmental organizations (NGOs), denounced the practices of female genital mutilation (FGM), execution by stoning, and child marriage as sanctioned by Islamic law. Egypt, Pakistan, and Iran angrily protested, interrupting Littman over a dozen times and eventually forcing the proceedings to be suspended.

With council president Costea ultimately prohibiting all discussion of “religious issues” from council meetings, the Islamic delegates can rest assured that there will be no more discussion of the fact that Islamic theology provides the basis for human rights outrages ranging from female genital mutilation to stonings. Thus, an international body ostensibly dedicated to promoting human rights voluntarily renounced any study of one of the leading sources of international human rights violations.

Shortly after this incident, Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, Secretary General of Organization of the Islamic Conference, declared victory in clearly supremacist terms: Muslims had dictated to the West the “red lines that should not be crossed,” and the West was complying. He said that OIC initiatives against “Islamophobia” had resulted in “convincing progress at all these levels mainly the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, and the UN General Assembly. The United Nations General Assembly adopted similar resolutions against the defamation of Islam.” He added: “In confronting the Danish cartoons and the Dutch film ‘Fitna’, we sent a clear message to the West regarding the red lines that should not be crossed. As we speak, the official West and its public opinion are all now well-aware of the sensitivities of these issues. They have also started to look seriously into the question of freedom of expression from the perspective of its inherent responsibility, which should not be overlooked.”

The attempt to compel Western states to ban insults to Islam is quickly picking up speed, and bodes ill for the ability of those states to defend themselves against the global jihad in all its forms – since Islamic supremacists and their allies routinely characterize all investigation of the Islamic roots of the jihadist agenda as “hate speech.”

This campaign represents the international dimension of the stealth jihad. It does not consist of attacking western countries with guns or bombs, or even threatening to do so. Instead, we’re pressured to accommodate Islam by placing the religion off-limits to critical discussion. It’s presented as an act of “tolerance,” but the deliberate result is the erosion of core Western concepts of free expression. Think about the extent to which that single value defines western civilization: for one thing, it is an indispensable foundation of the American Revolution and the American system of republican government. And we are surrendering it, gradually and voluntarily, to those who seek to impose on us a value system that elevates the sanctity of Islam over freedom.

In order to Islamicize the West, stealth jihadists need to convince us to relinquish our attachment to our traditional freedoms. One would have never thought that westerners would give up free speech of their own accord, but we are now in the process of carving out a major exception for Islam. Yet the freedom to criticize religion, of course, is the very cornerstone of the right to free expression. Once we surrender that right, can surrender of the freedom of religion be far behind?

Islam is a religion of peace, we are told. And anyone who argues otherwise better watch out – if the UN, with which Obama wants to work so closely, gets its way, he may soon face legal action.

The only victors can be the jihadists themselves: Western authorities, already mired in politically correct myopia, will grow even more afraid to speak openly about what they’re trying to do and what we can do to stop it. The losers can only be those who value freedom of speech and understand why it is so important in a genuinely pluralistic society. The UN measure moves the West one step closer to submitting to the hegemony of Islamic norms.

Robert Spencer is a scholar of Islamic history, theology, and law and the director of Jihad Watch. He is the author of eight books, eleven monographs, and hundreds of articles about jihad and Islamic terrorism, including the New York Times Bestsellers The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) andThe Truth About Muhammad. His latest book, Stealth Jihad: How Radical Islam is Subverting America without Guns or Bombs, is available now from Regnery Publishing.

Liberal Gulf Writers: Muslim Groups in Europe Are Exploiting Europeans' Openness

Two recent articles in the Gulf press discussed the attitudes of European Muslims towards the West. On December 2, 2008, Bahraini liberal Shi'ite cleric Dhiya Al-Mousawi published an article in the liberal Kuwaiti daily Awan on the Mumbai terrorist attacks, some of the perpetrators of which were Muslims who were naturalized British citizens. The second article, by liberal Kuwaiti columnist Khalil 'Ali Haidar, was published October 5, 2008 in the UAE dailyAl-'Ittihad. Both writers criticized Muslim groups in Europe for harming the West while at the same time enjoying Western freedoms and services. Haidar treated the subject more broadly, criticizing all Islamic movements and parties in Europe on the grounds that they are promoting Islamic extremism, that they have taken control of the lives of the European Muslims, and that instead of attempting to bridge the gap between the East and the West, they have consciously brought about isolation, alienation, and, ultimately, jihad-motivated terrorism against the West.

Following are excerpts from Al-Mousawi's and Haidar's articles:

European Muslims Are Spitting Into the Well from Which They Drink

In an article titled "When the Terrorist is British Born," Al-Mousawi wrote: "…It is sad that in Western countries there are thousands of Muslims who receive citizenship for themselves and their families after having been expelled from their respective homelands. [The West] gives them asylum, work, shelter, and health insurance - [yet] they are the first to turn their backs on their second homeland. Worse, some of them think nothing of committing suicide in the squares, in the very countries that have granted them and their families protection… It is odd that some sheikhs curse and revile the West from the pulpits of the Western [mosques,] and wish for the destruction of the [Western] countries, as the police of those countries guard them…" [1]

The Islamists Have Taken Control Over the Lives of the Muslims in the West

Al-Haidar wrote, in a similar vein: "The problem of Europe and the U.S. is neither the Arabs nor the Muslims. It is the Islamists, both parties and groups, who have taken over the political, religious, social, and cultural life inside and outside Islamic and Arab countries. [These parties and groups] have influence over the Muslim minorities of the Western countries… They have focused on imposing restrictions on the first generation [of immigrants], on brainwashing the second generation, and on excommunicating unions, organizations, and mosques. For many years - in fact, since the end of the Second World War - Western countries have been welcoming Arabs and Muslims, and providing [them] with extensive opportunities for preaching and [other] activities. They have treated them with amazing kindness. With time, the Muslims grew in power, and tightened their grip on the very heart of these societies.

"The presence of Islamists [in the European countries], with all their different parties, groups, and schools of thought, has been a testing ground for relations between their Muslim minority, which has been influenced by the indoctrination [carried out by different] parties, and these democratic societies. For many years, Islamists, and especially the Muslim Brotherhood, have complained about the oppressive [policies] of Arab regimes, the freezing of freedoms, surveillance, etc. [Abu A'la] Al-Mawdoudi's [2]writings, [originally in Urdu], have gained popularity in the Arab world, corrupting the youth and distorting their outlook. [Al-Mawdoudi] proclaimed to the entire world, and especially to [his] liberal European opponents, the advent of a new social order superior to Western democracy on every count - in liberty, flexibility, religious tolerance etc. - that will be introduced under the leadership of Muslim youth uncontaminated by the filth of Western civilization and its materialist [values]."

The Islamists Have Wrought Alienation and Terrorism

"The ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood, the Al-Tahrir party, [3] and Egyptian, Pakistani, and other Islamic groups has cast the Arabs and the Muslims in Europe into darkness and confusion. With their books, films, and extreme separatist ideas, they have paved the way for the proliferation of different forms of extremism, and hence to overt terrorism.

"The unceasing attacks on Western civilization, on man-made laws, and on Oriental studies, as well as on [what they regarded as] the cultural invasion and Western conspiracies - have made it difficult for [Muslims] to integrate into the new environment to which they migrated while hating it. [However, his integration] as far as his material interests or the aims of his party were concerned [was never impeded]…"

The Absence of a Culture of Revival and Innovation

"The Islamic party movement has not embraced the idea of revival and innovation; as a consequence, it has failed to see a positive side to Western society or to study Western literature, art, and culture so that it could create a model of modern culture, literature and art that combines Western and Islamic [elements]. Even the Muslim Brotherhood leaders, along with others who are proud of the Islamic civilization and profess to be heirs to the Baghdad and Andalusian civilizations - [even they], during the half century [of their sojourn] in Paris, London, or Germany, have not produced a [single] new idea, [let alone new] art or culture worthy of notice...

"True, they have established publishing houses to circulate their parties' books and publications; they never let up in improving their media weaponry, such as the press, television, and other [media outlets]; they developed their own financial institutions and banks [and called them] 'Islamic: no interest'; they established private schools, which only further isolated Muslim boys and girls from their European environment and thus enhanced the Islamic parties' control of their [lives] - and this is only a partial list. But what they have failed to do is to act as a bridge between East and West, as have, say, the poets of the [Muslim] diaspora. They also never helped plant seeds of modernization, democracy, and creativity - cultural, artistic, and literary - in the Arab and the Islamic worlds.

"Most reports on [Muslims in Europe], produced with great enthusiasm by the media, are about fights between [different] mosques, family honor murders, or extremist religious discourse. Not a single one of their associations has ever sponsored a useful cultural program, nor has any of their parties ever translated an encyclopedia or organized a study group to explore an aspect of culture, education, or ties between East and West. Neither have any of these circles invested effort [in a project] - not even to reexamine the writings of Islamic parties and modernize them by removing extremist ideas and the ideology of heresy accusations."

Abusing Tolerance

"Western tolerance towards Muslims in Europe and in the U.S. on freedom of religion in general, and its respect for Christian and Jewish converts to Islam in particular, has not been used as a model by any Islamic party. It didn't teach them religious tolerance; it didn't lead them to acknowledge that religious choice is a personal matter; it did not prompt them to protect non-Muslims in the Arab and Muslim world. On the contrary, they became increasingly offensive, since they perceived that the West was conceding to their demands and treating them with tolerance. Thus, they gained ground and popularity, and their arrogance was became boundless …

"The Islamist literature, publications, and sermons, even in the heart of Europe, have essentially retained the conceptual structure of ancient [Muslim] writings, in that they continue to treat any input from civilization as refuse, all the amazing technological innovations as purely material development, and the life and values of the West as decadence and degradation."

The Connection to Violence and Terrorism

"It has often been said that moderate Islamic groups have nothing to do with violence and terrorism. But this is an illusion. All the ideas of terrorist groups fit the ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood, of the Al-Tahrir [party], of Al-Jama'a Al-Islamiyya in Pakistan, and others. Ideas like idol worship, the rule of God, the establishment of shari'a, and others, which have assumed new fundamentalist connotations associated with new ruling parties, were not invented by Al-Qaeda or Fath Al-Islam. The notions of cognitive isolation, the invalidity of man-made laws, and serving God; the undermining of the values of homeland and citizenship, as well as all facets of political realism; proclamations such as the Muslim Brotherhood's motto 'Death for the sake of Allah is our highest aspiration,' and numerous other [slogans] - all these have not been invented by Al-Zarqawi, bin Laden, or [Sheikh Abu Muhammad] Al-Maqdisi…

"What can we expect of a youth who encounters [the following] idea, [which appears] in a book frequently discussed by the Muslim Brotherhood: 'Today we live in a jahiliya [the pre-Islamic era of idol worship], akin to idol worship in [Muhammad's] time and worse. We are surrounded by idol worship. Human achievement and beliefs, people's traditions and customs, their traditional sources, their arts and literature, their laws and regulations, and even most of what we regard as aspects of the Islamic culture, Islamic authorities, and Islamic thought and philosophy - all these are products of idol worship."

"This is a simple passage from the book Milestones by Sayyed Qutb. This book has been translated into all the languages of the Islamic countries: Turkish, Persian, Urdu, Malaysian, Indonesian, and others, as have hundreds of other Muslim Brotherhood books. These books are brainwashing thousands of youths in the Muslim world, and drawing [many of them] towards extremist terrorist organizations.

"Is not this passage, which has been read [and reread] by Islamists for over 40 years, the main reason for the Muslim's deepening sense of alienation from both his own society and from the society in Europe, America, or Australia to which he emigrated?…

"There is no doubt that it is these ideas, texts and doctrines - some of which seem innocuously 'moderate' [to us, after] they have poisoned our souls - that have shaped the views of many Muslims, men and women, worldwide, and have brought forth a generation of jihadi terrorists.

"It is this [phenomenon] that has precipitated the clash between the Islamists and Western societies in America and Europe." [4]


[1] Awan (Kuwait), December 2, 2008.

[2] Sayyid Abul A'la Mawdoudi (1903-1979)(1903-09-25), also known as Mawlana (Maulana) or Sheikh Sayyid Abul A'la Mawdudi, was a Sunni Pakistani journalist, theologian and political philosopher, and a major Islamist thinker. He was also a political figure in his home country of Pakistan, where he founded the Jamaat-e-Islami Islamic revivalist party.

[3] Hizb Al-Tahrir (Liberation Party) is a radical Islamic group whose agenda is to rally Muslims with a call for a new Caliphate.

[4] Al-Ittihad (UAE), October 5, 2008.

lördag 16 januari 2010

Terror infests Pakistan


Toronto, ON, Canada, — Terror has become a daily affair in Pakistan, which has hit civilians the most due to suicide bombers mingling with them. Such attacks are sometimes a result of the Pashtun tribesmen’s pique at the Pakistani government; other times they are interfaith rivalries between the Sunni and Shiite communities. In addition, they are also “bomb battles” between rival political party activists in big cities.

This all began when Pakistan started training terrorists for attacks in Indian-controlled Kashmir. When this met with immediate success, terror activities were expanded to cover the rest of India. The last attack took place in Mumbai in November 2008.

With every successful explosion terrorists have become more sophisticated, with some using bombs to settle their local grievances. In October last year a Sunni resistance group reportedly carried out a suicide bomb attack on Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards that killed several top commanders.

Pakistani authorities never anticipated that terrorists would turn against them. In 2009, some 6,000 Pakistanis died in terror attacks, making it one of the bloodiest years of domestic violence. Half of those killed were security personnel. Read more:

Muslims Slaughter Christians in Egypt.

Pakistan Christian Post By Lee Jay Walker, Tokyo Correspondent, THE SEOUL TIMES

Over half a dozen Coptic Christians were killed and another half dozen were hurt in a Thursday morning drive-by shooting following a Christmas midnight Mass in Nag Hamadi in Upper Egypt.
Another year may have just started but in Egypt the endless persecution of Christians goes on and the endless martyrs who follow the faith of Christianity “shine out” in a world of hatred. However, why does this suffering continue in Egypt and in other parts of the world?
This article is in response to the recent murders of Christians in Egypt and I aim to link the current situation with the bloody history of Egypt and its endless persecution of Christians.
According to popular myth Egypt is a moderate nation and this mainly Muslim nation is meant to be a moderate bastion within the mainly intolerant “Islamic world.” However, while Muslims in this nation highlight the fact that you have thousands of churches, they fail to say why and they gloss over the endless persecution and discrimination within Egypt.
After all, Egypt was mainly Christian before countless Islamic invasions and in time Arabization would limit the role of the Coptic language and colonialization took root over many centuries. The indigenous Christians of Egypt already had a rich Coptic culture and history and the Coptic Christian church was blessed with a strong-minded priesthood.
However, constant Islamic invasions, linguistic colonialization via Arabic, massacres of Christians, and systematic persecution of Christianity via Islamic Sharia law and dhimmitude; meant that Islam would rule supreme.

Of course, not all Muslim rulers were anti-Christian but Coptic Christians always had to rely on the given ruler for protection. Yet, irrespective if the ruler was moderate or anti-Christian, one theme remained the same and this applies to institutionalized discrimination and persecution which is part and parcel of Islam and Islamic Sharia law.
Therefore, from the early conquests and up until today, it is clear that converts from Islam to Christianity face persecution. Yes, Islamic enlightenment in Egypt means that in the past the convert to Christianity would be killed, however, now it is mere prison or persecution or a mixture of both.
Turning back to the reason of this article, I will now focus on recent events in Egypt in 2010. For on January 6 in Nagaa Hamady, which is near Luxor, Muslims killed six Christians and one security guard. They were gunned down on Christmas Eve (Christmas day is January 7 for Coptic Christians and other Orthodox Christians) and clearly the timing was important.
Yet for many Christians in Egypt this is all about the embedded persecution of Christianity in this nation. Therefore the recent massacre is further evidence that Islamic intolerance and systematic persecution is part and parcel of the traditions of Egypt since the first Islamic invasion began.

In recent times you have had many attacks against Christians and this applies to murders, riots against Christians, attacks against Coptic Christian churches, abduction and forced rapes of Christian females, and other insidious forms of discrimination and persecution.
In truth, ever since the first Islamic conquest of Egypt you have had systematic persecution because religious pluralism and freedom of thought does not exist in Islam. Therefore, from the very foundation of Islam in Egypt it was clear that Christians had to pay tax (jizya) in order to be protected and non-payment could mean death, enslavement, or forced conversion.
It is worth mentioning that Mohammed himself stated that Muslims must (Koran 9:29) "Fight those who do not believe in Allah, nor in the latter day, nor do they prohibit what Allah and His Messenger have prohibited, nor follow the religion of truth, out of those who have been given the Book, until they pay the tax in acknowledgment of superiority and they are in a state of subjection."
Therefore, it is clear that Mohammed understood the power of tax and other draconian laws in order to subdue other faiths. After all, how can other faiths thrive when apostasy from Islam means death?

Prof. Kenneth Cragg sums up the dhimmi system by stating that the "Dhimmi, 'tolerated minority,' status under Islam has long made for a pattern of quiescence in ancient, local Christianity around the mosque. Traditional tolerance allowed only a freedom to remain, to teach the faith only within the family, so that adherence became a circumstance of birth, and continuity that of a closed community. There was no freedom to express faith, still less to recruit to it, outside that circle of one's origin."
Coptic Christians after the Islamic conquests were therefore faced with a bleak future. After all, if Coptic Christians were forbidden to propagate their faith freely in public then at best they could only survive. Yet this survival meant severe restrictions and systematic persecution, with the consequences of this being an ever diminishing minority and open to public ridicule because of their inferior status in law, education, and other important areas.
Therefore, in 2010 you have many minorities in mainly Muslim societies who are fighting for survival or who face open persecution because of state sanctioned laws which are based on Islamic Sharia law and maintaining massive inequality.

Minority groups who suffer open persecution in the modern world applies to the Baha’is in Iran; the Shabaks, Christians, Mandaens, and Yazidis who face persecution on a daily basis in Iraq; converts to Christianity in Somalia who are being butchered by radical Sunni Islamists; Buddhists in Southern Thailand have also suffered greatly in recent times including Buddhist clerics being beheaded; Hindus also suffer enormously in both Bangladesh and Pakistan; Ahmadiyya Muslims also face severe persecution in Pakistan and in 2009 several Christians were burnt alive in this nation; while Christians also face daily threats in Northern Nigeria and last year three Christian pastors were beheaded and other terrible attacks took place; the list is endless and of course Coptic Christians in Egypt suffer from both state sanctioned discrimination and being threatened by radical Sunni Islamists.

The current situation in Egypt does not look good for Coptic Christians because the “flawed” political system under President Hosni Mubarak means state sanctioned discrimination. However, you also have the fear that radical Islamists could fill the political vacuum and this would add greatly to the woes of the embattled Christian community in Egypt.
Sadly, major political leaders in many Western nations are in appeasement mode and they are not confronting this global menace. However, radical Islam is also growing in the streets of London and Paris, and in other major cities throughout parts of Europe and in other parts of the mainly non-Muslim world.
Therefore, the ongoing silence towards events in Egypt, Iraq, Northern Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Southern Thailand, Somalia, and other mainly Muslim nations; is impacting on other nations because this hatred is spreading wide and far and silence or appeasement isn’t working.

Leaving Failed States Alone By Rabbi Jeremy Rosen

5TJT January 15, 2010

I know this is going to sound harsh and unfeeling but we ought to leave failed states alone to stew in their own self-imposed cruelties. It is, in the end, up to their own citizens to either put up or shut up.
I really thought Obama was going to usher in a new era and stop trying to cure those sick parts of the world that do not want to be healed. But it seems his arms dealers, his scaremongers, his political allies and supporters all have a vested interest in keeping armed forces overseas, sending young men and women to their pointless deaths, and throwing away vast sums of money that could better be used improving the fabric of society and infrastructure at home. I remember in my youth the arguments for staying in Vietnam. There was the domino theory that all of Asia would collapse into Communism. The line had to be drawn. Failed states would present a danger to the USA and World Peace. And they all proved to be false.
If you cannot tend to everyone else's garden, at least you can make sure yours grows properly. And if you put all your energy and resources into trying to help someone who hates gardening to spend time weeding, you will inevitably fail. Have we not yet learnt that no matter how benevolent an occupier is, an occupier is a resented alien who will never be accepted?
I remember vividly the 1967 war in which Israel ejected the Jordanians from the West Bank they had illegally occupied in1948 (though no one in the UN seemed to mind if it was Arab occupying Arab). The Palestinians threw roses at the Israeli tanks as they passed through the villages, so hated were the Jordanians. Unbelievably, the victors simply refused to learn from what their own eyes were telling them--that any occupier comes to be hated, and certainly one who tries to subjugate and disenfranchise. About the only thing to be said in favor of Russia this last century was that she actually did give up on Afghanistan and get out.
So I say cut your losses and get out. Occupation does not work.
Will a failed state become a haven for Al Qaeda terrorists? So isolate that state. Track those who come and go, rather than try to change it from the outside. Any attempt from the outside will be regarded as a crusade, imperialism, or an American Zionist plot. It will only reinforce blind fundamentalism.
In Iraq, the US ended up in league with the very Sunnis it initially booted out of power. The Taliban rulers were ejected from Afghanistan. Yet most analysts now think the only chance of any kind of success is by making a deal with the new Taliban. Meanwhile, they and Al Qaeda are protected within Pakistani territory, because its own political and military system is riddled with fundamentalists and it is a nearly failed state with an already tested nuclear bomb. Look at all the failed states harboring Al Qaeda or other dangerous potential terrorists. Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia. And in the case of Somalia the US left with its tail between its legs. The world cannot even deal with Somali pirates.
There is a mindset amongst many moderate Muslims that only outside intervention can rescue then from the oppressive Muslim regimes they live under. That is why it is argued that the USA should reach out to and support moderates in Iran or Saudi Arabia. Not that she will be thanked. Only when a sufficient number of oppressed citizens within a country feel so strongly about it that they are prepared to rebel can there be any hope of regime change. That, for example, is precisely what happened in Honduras, and in time it will happen in Venezuela too. Hopefully Zimbabwe as well. They are not as toxic as Iran and North Korea--two virtual nuclear powers. Yet no one I have heard is arguing that the USA should invade them.
In Iran the oppressive regime murders, tortures, and rapes its own people. That’s the way in the East. No one is making a fuss of Christians killed in Egypt or Malaysia. Who cares if in Abu Dhabi a royal prince gets off scot-free after torturing and maiming another Muslim. We don't expect justice or freedom in such places. Shall we invade them too?
Thanks to China's refusal to countenance any interference in the internal affairs of regimes, there is no way to impose universal sanctions or effective restrictions. Free countries have no alternative other than to rely on their own methods of self-protection.
As for locally born terror, stop pretending it is exceptional. Political correctness and appeasement will not protect anyone. Britain still refuses to acknowledge that its universities are centers of recruitment for aggressive Islam, something students have been telling anyone who would listen for years.
America's decision to require stricter security for visitors from certain Muslim states which harbor terror has been attacked both by American Muslims and Civil Rights campaigners. I hope the USA stands firm (I know Europe won't). I do feel very sorry for innocent peace-loving Muslims who suffer as a result. But they have it in their own hands either to help change regimes or bring the pressure to bear on those Muslims who give Islam a bad name. ♦

söndag 10 januari 2010

The Last Nail in Europe's Coffin

By Pamela Geller
Because of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership between the European Union and Islamic states in the Middle East, by the year 2050, the Islamic population of Europe will be 25% to 30% of the total population. There will be perhaps over 100 million Muslims in Europe. Partnership? More like a suicide pact. Fifty million laborers with families. The effects on European civilization, and on Europe's relationship with the United States, are all too easy to imagine. And the U.S.-Muslim engagement document, the blueprint for the Obama administration's relationship with Muslim countries, parallels these... (Read Full Article)

lördag 9 januari 2010

Två bilder som inte visas i svensk media ang kravallerna i Italien

Svenska tidningar rapporterar om de kravaller som äger rum i Rosarno, Italien. Enligt uppgifter ska kravallerna börjat efter att två stycket illegala invandrare från Afrika blivit beskjutna med luftgevär. Det är givetvis vidrigt om de blev anfallna helt oprovocerade. Dock menar jag utan tvekan att de illegala invandrarnas beteende därefter är oacceptabelt:

Following the first incident, more than 100 immigrants rampaged through the town on Thursday night, smashing car windows with steels bars, setting rubbish bins and cars on fire, and clashing with police in riot gear


A young mother with a bruise under an eye and a bandage on the side of her head, told state TV a group of migrants started smashing her car. The woman said that, fearful for the safety of her small children, she managed to drive about two meters (6 feet), before her attackers pushed her car into a wall. Terrified, she fled with her family, and the assailants set her car afire, she said.


Se bilderna på Ted Ekeroths sida:

”Sverigedemokraterna är en ortodox minoritetsgrupp”- DN smutskastar igen.


Et dumt försök att smutskasta SD. N'är jag först läste artikeln i morse fanns det kommentarer, dessa är borttagna som ni ser om ni går till orginialartikeln (länk ovan). Att skriva kommentar får man inte längre. Alla kommentarer jag läste stödde SD, någon tyckte att artikeln var velig i åsikterna. Snyggt DN. Här kan ni kommentera dock!

Psykoanalytiker: Att vara svensk är att vara tolerant. På det sättet kan vi tolerera att SD är en ortodox minoritetsgrupp. Men ortodoxa grupper får inte dominera ett samhälle. Sverigedemokraterna gör demagogiska förenklingar för att slippa komplexa sammanhang och vädjar till svart-vitt antingen-eller-tänkande. Om vi skulle tillämpa deras partiprogram på dem själva som en ortodox minoritetsgrupp, skulle de inte få vara kvar här i landet. Sverigedemokraterna är alltför osvenska. Men eftersom vi inte vill vara som SD - utan räknar toleransen som en eftersträvansvärd svensk egenskap - kan de få stanna här om de håller sig inom demokratins gränser, inte hetsar mot folkgrupper eller döljer gamla nazister i sina led, skriver psykoanalytikern och författaren Tomas Böhm i en analys av SD:s partiprogram.

Människor i Sverige består av heterogena grupper under ett gemensamt svenskt paraply – stadsbor, landsortsbor, akademiker, arbetare, invandrare, deras ättlingar, sjukskrivna, ensamstående, sammanboende, missbrukare, näringsidkare etcetera. Det gemensamma paraplyet innebär en tolerans för alla olikheter. Sedan länge vet man inom psykologin att främlingsrädsla och främlingsfientlighet kommer från en egen rädsla för det okända. Vi har alla en rädsla för det vi inte känner till, liksom för det okända inom oss själva, som är frestande att lägga ut på grupper som verkar vara annorlunda eller svaga.

Främlingsfientligheten tar sig ofta uttryck som ett avståndstagande mot det komplexa eller främmande, det som inte går att känna igen omedelbart eller dela in i enkla kategorier.

Sverigedemokraterna vill inte se att de skulle vara främlingsfientliga. De beskriver i sitt partiprogram snarare att ”invandrings- och integrationspolitik har varit ett monumentalt misslyckande. Sverigedemokraterna är det enda parti som vågar säga detta öppet.”

SD tycks vara för det svenska. Det beskrivs bland annat på följande sätt:

”Svensk är den som har en helt övervägande svensk identitet, och som av sig själv och av andra svenskar uppfattas som svensk.”

Det låter som ett cirkelresonemang. Fortfarande vet vi inte vad den svenska identiteten innehåller, men vi varnas för: ”att svenskarna inom några decennier riskerar att bli en minoritet i det egna landet. Denna utveckling kommer att påverka alla aspekter av samhällslivet och förvandla vårt land till oigenkännlighet.”

Det här går att känna igen som rasistisk eller främlingsfientlig mytologi. Om vi inte aktar oss, äter främlingarna upp oss. Sverige har alltid förändrats av dem som bor här. Strax beskrivs det svenska på annat sätt – i språk, kulturarv och historia – där SD blir ännu mer specifika:

”Svenska traditioner, värderingar, regler och lagar skall vara normgivande i hela det svenska samhället. Svenskan skall vara det samhällsbärande språket inom samtliga samhällsområden. Alla former av etnisk kvotering eller positiv särbehandling av invandrare skall avskaffas. Undervisningen i svensk historia skall utökas i skolorna. Den svenska historien och kulturarvet skall lyftas fram och levandegöras i offentliga sammanhang på ett tydligare sätt än i dag.

Det offentliga stödet till invandrarföreningar och alla andra verksamheter som syftar till att befrämja främmande kulturer och identiteter i Sverige skall dras in. Lovdagar i anslutning till religiösa högtider skall endast omfatta traditionella svenska och kristna högtider.”

Det som SD är emot tycks vara osvenskt. Rädslan för det främmande utanför och inom oss själva klumpas ihop och vänds utåt och blir osvenskt, för att det är svårt att acceptera eller förstå.

SD är rädda för det komplicerade och mal ner det till en svensk förenkling bestående av svensk eller – osvensk. På demagogiskt sätt skriver man inte osvensk i partiprogrammet. Man talar i stället om att: ”kulturellt främmande enklaver i de flesta städer är inte hållbart”.

Man gör också den demagogiska förenklingen för att slippa komplexa sammanhang och vädja till svart-vitt antingen-eller-tänkande. Alla vill väl känna tillhörighet, men här beskrivs den som om den beror på hur homogent samhället är:

”Rotlösheten står i motsats till något som är väldigt viktigt för oss Sverigedemokrater – rätten till en nationell identitet. Alla människor måste få känna att de tillhör ett folk.”

Man förnekar också den egna främlingsfientligheten på ett sätt som påminner om resonemanget att många av mina vänner är invandrare. Vi ska inte märka fientligheten genom att …

”Sverigedemokraterna är inte principiellt emot invandring.”

Ju längre bort ifrån Sverige som invandrarna kommer, desto mindre bra är deras kultur för vårt land. Jag kan till och med tänka mig att några som skrivit detta program kan ha varit ärliga – det vill säga inte demagogiska. De tror faktiskt att det svenska skyddas av det de skriver. Man döljer främlingsfientligheten genom att uttala sig mot rasism, men i stället varnar man för det man kallar mångkulturalism.

”… De senaste årens invandring har dock varit av helt annan art. Det har handlat om tiotusentals invandrare varje år, från avlägsna delar av världen, vilket inte varit bra för Sverige.”

”… Partiet tar avstånd från mångkulturalism, rasism och läror där det etniska ursprunget räknas som det enda eller avgörande kriteriet för nationstillhörighet.”

Ett centralt problem är att SD kopplar samman det svenska – svensk identitet, språk och kultur – med ett avståndstagande från andra grupper, det vill säga invandrare, särskilt från dem som kommer långt bort ifrån. Samtidigt är det sannolikt att även SD-medlemmar och de som röstar på dem har lika mycket invandrare bland sina förfäder som vi andra.

I stället skulle man kunna hävda att det svenska är att vara tolerant och inte se en svensk identitet som något klart en gång för alla. Den är påverkbar och öppen för inflytande, liksom vi svenskar påverkar dem som kommer hit. Så har det alltid tyckts vara. I det svenska ingår då också att tolerera grupper som vill ha sin egen uppfattning och syn på hur man ska leva. På det sättet kan vi svenskar tolerera att SD har sin uppfattning, även om de får hålla sin intolerans för sig själva eftersom den är alltför förenklad, demagogisk och främlingsfientlig. Minoritetsgrupper får bära burka, sjunga sina sånger, äta sin mat, bara de tolererar andra grupper och de gemensamma spelreglerna. Ortodoxa personer som tror på rätt och fel i alla komplexa sammanhang – som SD kan beskrivas som – kan inte tillåtas att dominera ett samhälle.

Om vi alltså skulle tillämpa SD:s program på dem själva som en ortodox minoritetsgrupp, skulle de inte få vara kvar här eftersom de är alltför osvenska. Men eftersom vi inte vill vara som SD, utan räknar toleransen som en eftersträvansvärd svensk egenskap, kan de få stanna här om de håller sig inom demokratins gränser, inte hetsar mot folkgrupper eller döljer gamla nazister i sina led.

Tomas Böhm, psykoanalytiker, författare till bl a ”Inte som vi – psykologiska aspekter på främlingsfientlighet och rasism” (N & K, 1993), ”Att ha rätt – om övertygelse, tolerans och fundamentalism” (N & K, 1998).

fredag 8 januari 2010

Rättegång mot skjutgalen islamist i Odense

Jihad i Malmö


Just nu pågår rättegången mot Wissam Freijeh (28) i Odense för femdubbelt mordförsök.....Det var denne skjutgalne islamist och antisemit som förra nyårsaftonen sköt ned två israeliska försäljare i Rosengaardscentret i Odense. Freijeh är tungt kriminellt belastad och fanatisk antisemit.


Läs mer om hans stormiga bakgrund på Snaphanen. Komiskt nog var han en period omkring 2003-4 anlitad som "föredömlig invandrare" och föredöme för ungdomen av kommunen och danska LO. Odense plockade dock bort allt om kampanjen sedan han gripits för skjutningen... Föredömen bör uppenbarligen inte ägna sig åt rasistisk kriminalitet.


Första rättegångsdagen hävdade Freijeh att det enbart handlade om "självförsvar". Israelerna hade stirrat på honom och... "- Israelerne har taget alt fra min familie, dræbt dem og taget deres jord og huse. Så kommer man i Rosengårdcentret og tror, man bare kan gøre, hvad der passer en, sagde den 28-årige i retten."


Komiskt nog avslöjade Wissams bror att familjen är libaneser och alls inte fördrivits från det imaginära "palestina".

Fortsättning följer


Den vackra staden Odense, H C Andersens födelsestad,har fått rykte om sig som ett centrum för islamism och antisemitism de senaste åren. Islamistiska ligor styr stadsdelen Vollsmose (med egen shariadomstol), jihadistiska terrorister härjar, rabbiner överfalls på gatorna och nyårsafton 2008 sköts två israeler ned i stadens stora shopping- centrum Rosengaard.

Danmarks överrabbin avråder judiska föräldrar från att placera sina barn i stadens skolor p g a det höga antalet araber....

Det låter nästan som Sveriges Gaza, Malmö....

Islamisternas julklapp till kopterna: sju döda

Kopterna, Egyptens ursprungsbefolkning och kristna minoritet, är återigen hårt trängda av våldsamma islamister och oförstående myndigheter. När de firade julmässa i staden Nag Hamadi nära Luxor angreps församlingen av beväpnade jihadister. Sju kristna och en polis dödades.

Se en kort film från angreppet:

Läs mera på Free Copts

"Vi kan alla bli en Westergaard"

Jihad i Malmö

På måndagen berättar konstnären Lars Vilks att han fått ett telefonhot - från


— Mannen, som talade på bruten svenska, frågade om jag kände till vad som hänt i

Danmark och konstnären Kurt Westergaard. Jag sa att jag förstås visste om det, säger

Lars Vilks och fortsätter: — Då förklarade mannen att de var ute efter

mer och de snart skulle komma till mig. Då hälsade jag dem välkomna.

Samtalet avslutades men mannen ringer då upp igen.

— Han återupprepar att "de kommer, de kommer" ett flertal tillfällen. Sedan avslutas samtalet,

säger Lars Vilks.

Vilks kommenterar hotet

Nu är ju Westergaard och Vilks långtifrån ensamma om att hotas och angripas av

islamister. Den norska författaren Hege Storhaug berättar nu öppet om när hon

överfölls i sitt hem för tre år sedan. Storhaug hade genom sina böcker och

artiklar utmanat de starka islamistiska krafterna i Oslo och extremvänstern.
Men så; noen uker etter dette ble jeg brutaltslått ned i min egen leilighet. Der ble jeg

funnet i en blodpøl og med tydelige tegn etter kamp over store deler av kroppen min

og blodsøl i leiligheten. Jeg kunne ikke gjøre rede for meg, jeg hadde hatt black out.

I tillegg til alt blodet, var deler av listeverket på ytterdøren til leiligheten knust.

Ingenting var stjålet.


Helle Merete Brix påminner om de tidigare försöken att mörda Westergaard, men också

om alla andra som utsätts för konstant hot och terror från islamisterna. Såväl de kända, som

Salman Rushdie och Ayan Hirsi Ali, som de okända hjältarna som den franske läraren

Robert Redeker.

Många säger att det värsta är upplevelsen att vara bortglömda av samhället.

Journalister, politiker och det övriga åsikts- etablissemanget vänder dem ryggen och

stöder därmed indirekt frihetens fiender.....


Fortsättning på

Somalisk terrorist försökte mörda

Kurt Westergaard

Westergaard-attentatorn kvalificerad terrorist

Race, Immigration, and Rape in Sweden

The noted blogger Fjordman is filing this report via Gates of Vienna.
For a complete Fjordman blogography, see The Fjordman Files. There is also a multi-index listing here.

According to a recent report, six percent of Swedish girls are raped every year, and that’s just the official numbers. Reality is probably even worse. The hostile Wikipedia entry on “Fjordman” previously claimed that myessays about the Swedish rape epidemic are false because the massive increase in rapes was caused by “a widening of the legal definition of rape.” I bet it was.

Swedish Umma

In this situation, the number one preoccupation of Swedish media is demonizing Israel, and the number two preoccupation is demonizing native Swedish critics of mass immigration and barring them from access to the mass media.
Sweden tops European rape league:
- - - - - - - - -

Sweden has the highest incidence of reported rapes in Europe — twice as many as “runner up” the UK, a new study shows. Researchers behind the EU study, which will be presented on Tuesday, conclude that rape appears to be a more common occurrence in Sweden than in continental European countries. In Sweden, 46 incidents of rape are reported per 100,000 residents. This figure is double as many as in the UK which reports 23 cases, and four times that of the other Nordic countries, Germany and France. The figure is up to 20 times the figure for certain countries in southern and eastern Europe.

RinkebyAs I have pointed out in my book Defeating Eurabia, where I devote an entire chapter to explaining the appalling situation in Sweden, Ethnologist Maria Bäckman, in her study “Whiteness and gender,” has followed a group of Swedish girls in the suburb of Rinkeby outside Stockholm, where natives have been turned into a minority of the inhabitants due to immigration. The subjects “may encounter prejudices such as the idea that Swedish girls act and dress in a sexually provocative way or that blonde girls are easy.” Bäckman relates that several of the Swedish girls she interviewed stated that they had dyed their hair to avoid sexual harassment. They experienced that being blonde involves old men staring at you, cars honking their horns and boys calling you “whore.”
Swedish girls suffer widespread harassment: report

Every third young Swede has been subjected to repeated harassment, threats or violence over the past year. Six percent of young girls have been raped, a new report from Swedish researchers shows.

One interesting comment to this article:

I hope someone can answer those questions for you. Unfortunately I'm not to good on stuff like that. What I do know however, is that the courts take lighter on rape perps with immigrant background than ethnic swedish perps. They have to weigh in that they come from a widely different culture than ours. Which is just sick. Also, the raped girls get asked questions on the matter of dressing when they where raped. If they had short skirts and visible cleavages and such, they are basically told that they can suit themselves who didn't dress more modestly instead. Another thing is that the family/clan of the perps are often audience in the courts, often giving thumbs up to their boys, whistling or shouting whore to the girls. Yes, swedish citizens are already dhimmis 100%, no doubt about it.

The Eternal Victim

From Gates of Vienna

“There is no doubt that the Muslim culture in general is unhealthy to grow up in.”
I reported last year on the Danish psychologist Nicolai Sennels, who until 2008 worked at a secure youth institution Sønderbro in Copenhagen. He later wrote a book, Blandt Kriminelle Muslimer (“Amongst Criminal Muslims”), about his experiences dealing with young Muslim criminals in the Danish justice system.
Nicolai was recently interviewed at length by the Finnish Homma Forum about cultural enrichment in Denmark and other parts of Europe. The interview was in English, so no translation is required:

Nicolai, can you give a short version of your life story?
I was born in 1976 and grew up far out in the countryside in Denmark. During my studies in Copenhagen I worked as a social worker with teenagers. I also worked as a semi-professional rock musician for a couple of years while studying psychology at the university. I have worked with troubled youngsters all my adult life. It has always been very easy for me to like them, connect to them and help them. I have developed new kinds of therapies, especially for Muslims, and my methods have been mentioned positively in several professional magazines, newspapers and on the radio.
When did your interest in integration and Islam start?
Ten years ago we had a horrible case in Denmark. Four young Muslim boys dragged a young woman by her hair all through the biggest shopping street — Strøget — in Copenhagen and tried to rape her. Even though she was screaming and it was clear that something was terribly wrong, nobody did anything to stop it. Imagine that: a young woman being dragged through the most busy street in Denmark — with lots of bystanders — and nobody tries to stop it. Not actively trying to stop a bad thing happening — even if you risk that your colleagues, friends or family think critically about you or you may get yourself a blue eye — is probably the worst thing one can do to one’s own self-confidence, personal ethics and humanistic values. If we are only willing to help the weak when it is without any risk for ourselves, we are useless cowards. Today this help is not so often physical — even though all men should learn to fight, either in martial arts or in the territorial army — but intellectual. Writing letters to newspapers, blogs, telling one’s honest thoughts when the talk on Islam or immigration starts in the lunch break at work — all this is very helpful. Being passive while women are treated bad and failed integration threatens to drag down our cultural values and welfare societies is failing to live up to our responsibility as humans. Especially men should take their role as protector of women very seriously.
Anyway, as most other Danish, I was shocked about the rape story. Both the brutality and the fact that nobody helped that poor woman was devastating to me. Before this incident my ears were closed to those who criticized Islam and Muslim immigration but from then on I started listening with a more serious attitude. At that time I was still sure that successful integration was just a matter of time and that social injustice was the main responsible for the ethnic tensions. I was also too nervous about getting criticized to share my worries with others. Today things are different: I no longer vote for the Social Democrats. I also no longer care what people think of my opinions about Muslim culture etc. I am also no longer passive — I feel a responsibility for defending suppressed Muslim women, our freedoms and for showing people that we can say exactly what we think about Islam and Muslim immigration.
By the way, just as a footnote: it accidentally turned out that three of these four Muslim boys were sentenced to live for a period at the institution where I worked at that time. Confused, insecure young men with the too typical Muslim male chauvinistic attitude and strong victim mentality and no real values in life except getting as much as they could with as little effort as possible.
Tell us about your conflict with the municipality of Copenhagen.
- - - - - - - - -
Well, after working for several years with both Danish and Muslim children and teenagers, it was very clear to me that there are certain very deep psychological differences between these two cultures. These differences are without doubt so deep that Muslims will have to leave many of their core values behind if they are to integrate in our societies and feel Danish, Finnish, German, etc.
As a psychologist with special knowledge about criminality and foreigners I was invited by Copenhagen’s mayor of integration to participate in a conference on integration at the city hall. The discussion was about criminal foreigners, foreigners and integration, foreigners and terror, foreigners and parallel societies, etc. I got irritated about the way the discussion went, because everybody generalized all foreigners as if they came from the same culture. I argued that the main part of the problematic foreigners have Muslim background and that we should discuss the meaning of culture when trying to find causes and solutions. This was far too strong for both the mayor and most of the people attending the conference. Another discussion at the conference was that we should try to help criminal foreigners find peace in their life by inviting them to become more religious. Here I reminded the mayor and the others about the many passages in the Quran that actually bid Muslims to do criminal acts — and that several Mosques in Copenhagen are known to be very extremist. Again this was more than the politicians could handle.
I have later debated with the mayor of Copenhagen on my blog “The Cultural Cleft” on Jyllands-Posten. I started the debate because he promised to pay for the Muslims’ religious festivals if they helped him get reelected at the local elections on November 17th. He — by the way — did not get reelected. The new mayor, Klaus Bondam, is unfortunately an even worse choice. Since he is a homosexual and wears makeup, I guess he will have a hard time communicating with the Muslim society.
Why is it so difficult to have a dialogue with Muslims about the high crime rate and integration problems?
The reason has to do with cultural psychology. In Muslim culture people see their lives mainly as controlled by outside factors — Islam, Allah, the imam, the father of the family, cultural norms and traditions, society, and — when they experience problems — especially non-Muslims and non-Muslim authorities. In our Western culture, it is in many ways the opposite. Here we see ourselves as being in control of our own life. We see our motivation, view on things, way of thinking, communicating and acting as the most important factors deciding our lives. This is why we have so many psychologists and therapists, a great number of social sciences, tons of self help books, etc. — all of which are aimed at our inner life and build on the view that we create and change our own life ourselves. You do not have all these things and also not this view in Muslim culture. If you have a problem as a Muslim, you are not raised to think, “What am I doing wrong since I always end up in trouble?” In the Muslim culture you look outside yourself: “Who did this to me or my life?”
With this way of thinking you always see ourselves as the victim and somebody or something outside yourself as the cause of your problems. Bernard Lewis, the famous professor in Islamic history, has observed the same cultural difference. In his words Westerners asks themselves, “What did I do wrong?” and Muslims asks, “Who did this to me?”
Therefore many Muslims do not think that they create the problems. And talking about a person’s problems with somebody who thinks that everything is everybody else’s fault is not easy…
Does the upbringing have anything to do with criminal behavior?
Upbringing has everything to do with criminal behavior. Well brought up people in general have good self confidence, a generally good mood and constructive ways of solving their problems — and they find it easy to love and be useful for themselves and others.
As an experienced professional psychologist within the field I can tell you that most criminals have a lot of anger, insecurity and very little ability to feel empathy. An important question is of course: why are many Muslims brought up in a way that makes them criminal?
Let me answer that question with an analogy. Some families are healthy for children to grow up in. They develop a sense of self-responsibility, they develop empathy and learn that destructive emotions such as anger, jealousy, revenge, etc. are negative and should be controlled and dealt with. Some families are unhealthy for children to grow up in: they become inflexible and unable to adjust to social rules, they become careless of others and themselves, etc. In this way all families have their own culture, their own emotional and cultural environment, which shapes the people growing up in it. Just as families have different cultures and can be healthy or unhealthy for people’s development, so can whole cultures.
There is no doubt that the Muslim culture in general is unhealthy to grow up in. Its admiration of anger, its suppression of female qualities (in psychology known as “femina”), its very insecure relationship to honor, its victim mentality and its lack of focus on individual reflection on the connection between one’s own behavior and one’s own problems very easily create immature and aggressive individuals with low self confidence.
Are your professional observations seen as political instead of sheer observations of a professional psychologist?
Of course I and also my book have been criticized. As you can hear, I say things straight out. But those who criticize me have either no experience with working professionally with Muslims or are Muslims themselves. When I do lectures for school teachers and social workers on schools with many Muslims, they all agree with me. At those occasions it is not at all a question of whether I am right or wrong — because they have exactly the same observations as I do. At those lectures we go directly to the solutions. The Danish magazine for professional Danish psychologists, PsykologNyt, recently reviewed my book. The review was very positive, stating that it is “a provoking eye-opener, convincing and well founded with many concrete examples”. Several national newspapers also wrote positively about the book and even our most famous Muslim politician, Naser Khader, who has himself written a book on Muslim culture, was very favorably disposed. Khader states that “the professional expertise that Nicolai Sennels has is exceptional and the clear examples in his book make it a must-read for all teachers and social workers”. Among people who have experience with Muslims, I am clearly seen as a experienced professional psychologist.
Why aren’t the media and academia reacting? Is it because those journalists and academics who have so to speak invested in appeasement would be risking their careers? After all, if we go back to assimilation, plenty of people within the media and universities with multicultural careers would face a personal disaster?
The main creed in academic circles is that cause and effect does not work for Muslims. With cause and effect I mean that people create their own lives. In Academic circles you are taught that the fate of poor and anti-social people are in the hands of the rest of us. But it is completely clear that Muslims create their own problems by not integrating, not learning Danish, not educating their children, not allowing their women normal human rights, not working, not opening up to our Western culture, etc. Especially their oppression of female qualities is very harmful to both their women, men, children, and their ability to build transparent, free, democratic and humanistic societies. The only case where cause and effect works — according to academics — is when rich people are depressed or are unsuccessful: that is their own fault and serves them right… Ridiculous. If we are not willing to show people their own part of the problems they have, how are we to teach them how to solve them?
Britain and Sweden appear to be competing for being the European leader in hiding problems under the carpet. Sometimes Denmark is considered to be some kind of forerunner in more free debate. But this image of Denmark may not be that accurate — you still have Tøger Seidenfaden and DR. And has so much changed in Danish politics during last years, in spite of all the talk?
Denmark is world famous for our open debate on Islam and Muslim immigration. And we surely deserve the attention. Our newspapers are full of readers’ letters criticizing Islam and the failed immigration of Muslims. It is simply a part of Danish culture to speak out and to ridicule those who get angry and lose face when criticized. Of course we have people not realizing the great danger of Islam and of having ethnic tensions resulting from failed immigration of Muslims. There is no doubt that extreme leftist newspapers such as Tøger Seidenfaden’s Politiken would lose readers — and thereby money — if they started being realistic about the problems. But they are already losing readers and their only two parties, Enhedslisten and De Radikale Venstre, are on their way out the parliament’s drain. The normal woman and man of the street sees very clearly what is happening to our countries. They meet the aggressive Muslims in discos, in their children’s schools, in the subway, etc. Most important is that people talk together about it. For every person who just mentions a bit about their worries about Muslim immigration at work, for example, will help several of their colleagues to think and talk more freely about the subject at work, family dinners, etc.
What would be the most important change you would make in handling Muslim immigrants, given that you could decide?
Inviting people from a completely different culture to live in our countries is the biggest sociological experiment in history of mankind and it is clearly turning out bad. Making deep changes in the demographics of a whole continent is very hazardous. Immigrants who do not want to assimilate — meaning taking our culture to their heart and becoming Westerners — should not be here. We have to find places on our planet where such people can live without the pressure of having to integrate and where their surroundings do not suffer from their anti-social behavior, religious fanaticism and lack of contribution to our economy.
On internet forums with a critical tilt on immigration, the cultural appeasements given to Muslims are considered exactly the 180 degrees wrong policy. Especially those Danes and Swedes who have lived at close proximity to Muslim neighborhoods state that the appeasements just make Muslims even more demanding. Could it be seen that these appeasements have an effect on criminality? Is all appeasement bad, or are there any bright spots?
There is no doubt that appeasement makes Muslims feel stronger and feel that they are right. It also makes us look weak in their eyes. Their victim mentality grows immensely every time the appeasers open their mouth. You see, appeasement is a Western tradition. If we make a compromise or are nice to somebody, we naturally expect that they feel thankfulness and will do their best to solve their part of the problem. Muslims think differently: in their culture it is the dog that barks the loudest that becomes the boss.
In our culture we think that only small dogs bark — big dogs do not have to, because they are big and do what they want. When they bark we think that they are immature and need a hand. When we just appease and compromise our own values, they think we are weak and vulnerable and the feeling of needing to adjust to our culture gets smaller. Appeasement politics is a deadly result of not understanding this crucial difference between Western and Muslim culture.
The worst thing is that the appeasers and the politically correct crowd has managed to scare a lot of people not to speak their opinion out loud. People are afraid of being called a racist or that others think bad about them. My advice is: Don’t care! If you saw a scared girl being dragged by the hair by four boys — would you try to stop them? If you are seriously worried about Islam and Muslim immigration — would you tell it?
Thank you for your effort, Nicolai, and we wish you all the best.
Thank you, and thank you for yourselves for the interest!

The Eurabian Sea.

By  Anna Raccoon

Whilst you were sleeping, Herman Sörgel’s nightmare vision of artificially solving all the major problems of European civilization by constructing an embankment at the Gibraltar Strait to  create a new continent, ‘Atlantropa‘, consisting of Europe and Africa, came a significant step closer.

Sörgel was run down by an unknown car in 1952, but his Atlantropa Institute continued to peddle the idea of combining Europe and North Africa right up until 1960. The central feature was a hydroelectric dam to be built across the Strait of Gibraltar – that may happen yet! – in the meantime, the architects of European foreign policy have contented themselves with a ‘legislative’  bridge.

On New Year’s Day, the ‘Euro-Mediterranean Regional and Local Assembly’ was born. They will meet for the first time in just a few weeks, January 21st 2010. It is the bastard child of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership; a birth shrouded in secrecy and misinformation. A Google search under ‘news‘ for this EU organisation reveals not one, not a single mention, in the British press. It has taken two days of searching through foreign language items to write this article.

When you consider the impact that this involuntary euthanasia of European life will have, it is nothing short of criminal that it has been ignored by the main stream media.

The goal of the Euro-Mediterranean cooperation is to create a new Greater European Union encompassing both Europe and North Africa, with the Mediterranean Sea becoming a domestic Eurabian sea. The goal is to establish a “comprehensive political partnership,” including a “free trade area and economic integration”; “considerably more money for the partners”; and “cultural partnership”.

The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership now includes all 27 member states of the European Union, along with 16 partners across the Southern Mediterranean and the Middle East. Some of the most important agreements include a rotating co-presidency with one EU president and one president representing the Mediterranean partners, and a Secretariat based in Barcelona that is responsible for identifying and promoting projects.

It is an extension of the European Free Trade Area which was the origins of the EU we now ‘enjoy’ in these post Lisbon Treaty days. As such it enjoys special priority status under the ‘Blue Card’ system which will see 50 million migrant workers enter ‘Fortress Europe’ with full rights to housing, welfare, education, and security of employment.

It also enjoys generous EU investment and free trade agreements.

Tunisia now describes itself as ‘Europe’s biggest exporter south of the Mediterranean’. Did you notice Tunisia sliding silently northwards across the Mediterranean? No? Thought not. It is Europe that has slid southwards whilst we slept.

The European Investment Bank is playing its part in this Euro-Mediterranean project making significant contributions to the Palestinian Authority. Europe slides East. And further south, here we are in Egypt.

Whoops, bulge on the south-side – we’ve now encompassed Morocco. All those surreptitious visits by Peter Mandelson have paid off, they have kindly agreed to accept several million of our tax payer pounds to build themselves a new transport system – we can’t have all those new workers being late to their new European jobs!

And Libya! Evenings with Gadaffi’s son not wasted either. 2000 kilometers of Mediterranean sea front, and all is forgiven. Libya has ‘observer’ status to allow them to see whether they might like to dip their fingers in this honeypot, but in the meantime, in the meantime, they are pleased to accept the opportunity to fully engage in the free Migration package, and the EU Action plan to tackle HIV infection in Benghazi……

You don’t even need to have any tangible connection to the Mediterranean to benefit from this expansionist largess, the official EuroMed web site lists Albania, Algeria, Bosnia & Herzegovinia, Croatia, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Monaco, Montenegro, Morocco, “Occupied Palestinian Territories,” Syria, Tunisia, and Turkey.

All taking the first steps towards benefiting from Europe but without the commitment to Human Rights or the need to dig into their pockets to fund any of the more pressing diplomatic or military burdens of Europe.

The American press have picked up on this story, fired by their fear of North Africans with exploding Y-fronts, but not a word in Britain, not a solitary word.

Do try the Anna Lindh web site for an instant education in the buzz words necessary to negotiate a dip into our bankrupt honeypot – €7 billion worth of earnest positivism towards this secretive project…you can get an EU grant for just about anything these days.

By way of some small explanation – did you know that coats of arms containing lions without genitalia were traditionally given to those who betrayed the Crown?

Take a close look at the Royal Coat of Arms, as displayed on Government documents.

UK_Royal_Coat_of_ArmsGone, castrated, a coat of arms for a eunuch Government comprised of pimps and posers, preening and postulating towards their way towards the extinction of the Northern European way of life. They don’t even bother to tell us what they are up to anymore.

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