onsdag 16 september 2009

WAN critical of death threats related to Mohammad cartoon

WAN critical of death threats related to Mohammad cartoon Link:
The World Association of Newspapers (WAN) expressed strong disapproval of al-Qaida's death threat directed at Lars Vilks and Ulf Johansson. "Nerikes Allehanda has full freedom of speech. The choice to publish the cartoon is embraced by this freedom and must be respected."

The exhortation to take the lives of Lars Vilks and Ulf Johansson that was published on a website linked to al-Qaida this past weekend has drawn worldwide attention. On Monday, WAN issued a statement in support of the right to publish the cartoon of Mohammad as a roundabout dog (a recent Swedish phenomenon that involves the placement of homemade dogs, typically made of wood, in roundabouts by anonymous persons).

"WAN fully supports the Swedish publishers' defence of their freedom of speech in regard to Islam or any other religion, especially the religion that is a significant element in the global political debate."

WAN writes that it is understandable that the cartoon has disturbed many Muslims, but a threat that leads to silence is unacceptable

anders.ahlberg@medievarlden.se, 070918

Att muslimer ritar hatfyllda bilder själva är det ingen som nämner.

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